Friday, September 4, 2020

River Valley Civilizations

Around 5000 years prior the principal complex, politically brought together human advancements started to shape autonomously along various stream valleys all through pieces of Asia and Africa. These civic establishments were the structure hinders for association of human financial, political, strict, and social practices. In spite of the fact that the way of life of both Ancient Egypt and Shang China River Valley Civilizations share geographic, strict, and political likenesses, the way of life are immensely extraordinary when social attributes and monetary exchange are thought about. Both Ancient Egypt and Shang China both grew near significant waterways. The Ancient Egyptian River Valley Civilization was situated along the Nile River which assisted with giving a dependable wellspring of water for cultivating. The Nile River flow runs north-permitting development along the waterway, and the breezes blow from the north permitting cruising vessels to go against the ebb and flow. It was anything but difficult to travel and interface along the Nile. At the point when the Nile would flood, it would normally treat the encompass soil with supplement stores that accumulated inside the stream. Something very similar would happen with the Yellow and Yangzi Rivers, which were situated close to the Shang China human progress. This is the reason the two civic establishments thrived when it came to trim creation. Close to the Yangzi River, be that as it may, individuals needed to work more enthusiastically at flood control and water system. It is said that maybe this animated a more noteworthy exertion at association. Both Ancient Egypt and Shang China were both governed by rulers, as well. In Ancient Egypt, they accepted that the pharaoh had all the force and impact over his kin. He was viewed as heavenly, remained over the clerics, and was the main person who had direct contact with the divine beings. This is like how the ruler was taken a gander at in Shang China, where he was viewed as a central cleric, and he had an authoritative administration, with councilors, lesser ministers and soothsayers. Heads and blue-bloods had astonishing homes with dividers of beat earth or earthen blocks while ordinary citizens kept on living in their pit homes of prior occasions a lot of like how the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs were fabricated high class pyramid burial chambers after they got sick. In the two civic establishments, the ruler figure was exceptionally significant and especially esteemed. They were regularly showered with blessings. Notwithstanding, in contrast to Ancient Egypt, ladies had no rights in Shang China. Ladies held a large number of indistinguishable rights from the men in Egypt. Ladies were permitted to claim their own territory and to impart equivalent property to their significant other once they wedded. Then again, in Shang China, the most seasoned individual from the family controlled the family’s property and settled on the significant choices. Ladies were mediocre expected to obey fathers, spouses and afterward their children. Every ladies may have had somewhere in the range of 13 and 16 relationships masterminded relationships with no capacity to fight it, and just by bearing children would she be able to improve her status. Shang China utilized things, for example, wheat, mullet, and silk, for exchange, where metals were progressively normal for exchange Ancient Egypt. The Silk Road was utilized to open exchange between Ancient China and Rome. Individuals in China were the first to ace the advancement of silk and they did as such by raising silk worms and afterward gathering the luxurious web that they shaped. They then weaved the web together to frame an increasingly considerable material. Wheat and mullet were likewise regular palatable things utilized for exchange Shang China since they had reasonable mild climate alongside forested land. Utilizing metals in exchange was significant for Ancient Egyptians since it was ample and could be made into an arrangement of things from weapons to apparatuses. Egyptians didn't gather indistinguishable kind of grains from those in Shang China since they had an over the top dry atmosphere that didn't permit harvests, for example, those to flourish.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Productivity between departments :: essays research papers

Presentation A decent connection between inward clients from independent divisions improves profitability and dispenses with squanders. There are three unmistakable divisions in the association I work for, assessing, creation and fund. The connection between these offices and how they convey is crucial in the progression of work starting with one from one office then onto the next, and at last the progression of work to our outer clients. Somewhat every one of the divisions is connected to the others, depending on one another to have the option to finish their different objectives. To perform productively, every division in an association needs to progress in the direction of gathering objectives and dreams. â€Å"A all around created bunch vision fills in as an umbrella under which can be accumulated a colossal assortment of individual points predictable with it.† (Whitley, 1991 pp28). On the off chance that an organization is going to run viably, every division needs to impart in a way where imperative data can be gotten to without any problem. A culture between divisions of being a piece of a general group should be reared into an association. Every office needs to move in the direction of â€Å"shared ways of thinking, philosophies, values, convictions, desires and norms† (Doraisamy, Internal Marketing slide 12). Similarly as essential to a work culture is a culture outside of typical working hours, it is said that ‘a group that plays together works together’. Conversation I work for an association that has 3 workplaces in the one structure, one for evaluating, one for money and one for creation. Albeit every office conveys to a degree what they are doing, individuals appear to find out about their own area of expertise then the one close to them. When seven days all offices meet to chat where they are and what they are doing and what parts of their occupations are going to influence different divisions. Every division appears to have a dream of what their areas of expertise objectives are however there is a requirement for â€Å"aligning all the associations parts with the goal that they cooperate for an alluring goal† Whitley, 1991 pp22. In the creation division I depend on evaluating to give work a sensible spending plan and account to oversee and report the money related assets that I am consuming. Moreover, evaluating depends on me to tell them how they are performing and how they can change their citing to precisely take into they level of spending I require. Fund depends on me to furnish them with the data that they require to precisely monitor uses and to keep them educated regarding work progress so they know when and the amount to receipt.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why Blame Mexico free essay sample

A mexican writer by the name of Fred Reed composed an article called â€Å"Why fault Mexico?† that talks about american migration and its arrangement. His contention is that the United States has brought illicit migration upon itself. The United States looks downward on the Mexican Immigration laws however does next to no to help stop the unlawful migration as per the article. Unlawful migration is conclusive and there are numerous explanations behind that. For instance, there are no punishments for unlawful foreigners who get captured. Another purpose behind movement is on the grounds that we set the foreigners to work, rather than not letting them work by any stretch of the imagination. The administration assume a major job in illicit migration, movement is the thing that they need. They favor migration since they feel it’s the correct activity. It is additionally modest trustworthy work. Between the two nations, Mexico has an increasingly sensible movement approach. To live in Mexico all you need is a substantial visitor visa that shows you entered the nation legitimately and a pay of 1,000 dollars per month. We will compose a custom exposition test on Why Blame Mexico? or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Fred Reed’s article about foreigner discussion has caused incredible effect for quite a while throughout the years in the United States. Mr. Reed clarifies that all the issues that Americans accuse the Hispanic or Mexican individuals are simply an issue of discovering all the advantages that being on this side of the fringe can offer them. A few people censure settlers for absence of occupations in the United States, when in all actuality those migrants do all the messy activity Americans wouldn’t like to do. A ton of organizations as Reed notice are day by day looking for laborers and the main ones they find are foreigners or Mexicans. On the off chance that Americans were so ready to search for employments, at that point they would have discovered one. Americans accept that migrants are criminal, who have overstepped the law to sneak into our district. Americans have made these laws, and they have discovered ways around them. This is a fascinating standard equity for a country that considers itself to be reasonable. The Government committed an error, so its either conflict with everything America represents, or welcome them into our nation and cause them to do as we do. Mexico is a nation, not a prision. It has no option to authorize American laws that America will not uphold. Remember that the United States is undeniably more impressive than Mexico, and far more extravagant, and that America are ordinarily intrusive. At the national level the US attempts to force majority rules system and direct social arrangement in a wide range of nations. Neither the US nor the greater part of its kin handle that a few things are just not their business. For the reasons expressed above, illicit Mexican migration in American is irreversible. So it is no one’s shortcoming however our own in light of the fact that there are insufficient severe guidelines for the unlawful migration laws. Keeping settlers out would once have been simple, yet we didn’t do it. You could have fined businesses a thousand dollars per day for recruiting illegals, half of it to go to whoever handed the business over; denied them all administrations, and ousted them. Mexicans are people simply like us, who knows why they came here? It tends to be for various reasons. Some may come to flee from quite a while ago or something to that effect or something comparative. Others may come to get a superior line of work, start another life or simply search for something better for their families. Today, removing things from individuals who have lives in the States and children in the schools would be severe. What's more, obviously they before long come to have the votes to make expulsion outlandish. Despite the fact that im an american resident, I concur with Mr. Reed. Don’t censure Mexico for having a migration arrangement more reasonable than yours.

Information Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Data Management - Essay Example The correct scattering and use of data is power. As needs be, the transformation of information from interior and outside sources into data is called Information Systems. This is otherwise called Information Management and is regularly PC based. It helps in improving the dynamic procedure, upgrades the activities, helps in generally speaking development of the organization. It incorporates equipment, programming, individuals, correspondence framework, and the information itself. Data Systems can be utilized in an organization be it assembling, retailing, or the administration business. This report investigates the utilization of IS in the gracefully chain the executives. Gracefully chain the board includes getting the correct things at the spots at the perfect time for greatest benefit. Zara, a main Spanish Fashion dress organization, is a great case of having an irregular and bleeding edge approach in the flexibly chain the executives. To take into account the changing requests of the clients, a few makers deal with the board of flexibly and circulation notwithstanding structuring. Zara is one such organization, which has held direct authority over the whole procedure. Today Zara has accomplished the differentiation of being a worldwide brand having its essence in 60 nations with more than 858 retail shops in large urban communities of the world (Inditex). It has utilized the assets and accomplished the present position. They apply the â€Å"sense and respond† plan of action in this gracefully chain the board. They respond promptly on the grounds that they have direct access to request information. They base their item structure and advancement on the interest information gathered from the POS or the POS information mining innovation. Data from their stores is continually transmitted to the group of 200 architects. This gives them a serious edge undoubtedly. Zara works at the pace of the general public (Zara). This report would analyze how adequately Zara utilizes Information System to

Friday, August 21, 2020

Nine Inch Nails free essay sample

Trent Reznor took his crowd on an excursion through his brain which is rotting with the burdens of society. He addressed the Boston Garden with granulating guitars, crazy synthesizers and throbbing drums about the ruins of religion, life and love. He demanded in the initial melody that he was Mr. Fall to pieces. Trent had the group moving through the following barely any tunes as he hopped around in front of an audience, beat on consoles, and nestled into a fetal situation as he sang in a voice enveloped by outrage, trouble and sexual hints. After the line, Doesnt it cause you to feel better, in March of the Pigs Trent irately told the group, Those seats dont cause me to feel better. Im sorry you all cannot move around and move. He was alluding to the lines of collapsing seats that were set up before the stage, limiting everybody from moving excessively. We will compose a custom article test on Nine Inch Nails or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page A screen was then dropped before the stage and Trent started Hurt, an ordinary Nine Inch Nails ditty in which Trent sang in a voice close to tears, about losing all that one has ever adored. The screen indicated a realistic, roughly made video that demonstrated everything from individuals to creatures passing on. Trent was seen faintly in the corner behind the screen. He clearly didnt need his crowd to watch him, yet to watch his message. Trent and the remainder of the band played through the remainder of the night with significant vitality, both giving and accepting it from the group. It wasnt some time before certain children fired tearing up the seats from the floor! The obvious beat of the drum machine for the Nine Inch Nails great Head Like A Hole sounded and Trent had the group shrieking the tune Bow Down Before The One You Serve! what's more, bowing down to him as though he was a divine being, which is something. Trent said thanks to his fans with a phase plunge into the crowd which made everybody crazy! Trents guitar semi-solo toward the finish of I don't need this, fell significantly into Something I Can Never Have. Trent for the last time that night would sing to all of Boston about what the world denied him of inwardly. A cover of quietness fell over the whole field and Trent finished his service. Trent demonstrated that night he isn't simply the consumed, floundering in his own self centeredness kind of individual he depicts himself to be in his music. He is a man who really thinks about his fans and having them appreciate the show without limit. Dont miss them in January at the Worcester Centrum! .

The 10 Questions Recruiters Expect You to Answer During A Phone Interview

The 10 Questions Recruiters Expect You to Answer During A Phone Interview Whether you’re going for an entry level position or that lucrative manager’s role at your dream company, knowing how to succeed in a phone interview is a crucial part of the process.Let’s face facts, employers will have hundreds if not thousands of CVs to look through when choosing candidates. Every corporate job opening attracts 250 resumes on average. But only 4 to 6 of these people will be called for an interview, and only 1 of those will be offered a job.Often there may not be much to distinguish between you and some lesser suitable candidates.Making sure you shine in the phone interview is the best way to separate yourself from the pack and put you at an advantage.We live in an age where career changes are not only more common but actually becoming the norm. A recent report from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that on average, young baby boomers between the ages of 18 and 48 changed jobs 11.7 times in their career.With the rapid progress of technology a nd the way we do business, no industry can avoid the need to change and adapt. Knowing what companies are looking for from their employees will be a real advantage to keeping up with change and progress.Now for some scary facts! Global consulting firm McKinsey Company estimate that 50% of current work activities are technically automatable by adapting currently demonstrated technologies and that 60% of current occupations have more than 30% of activities that are technically automatable.All in all they estimate that between 400 hundred million and 800 million individuals could be displaced by automation and need to find new jobs by 2030 around the world. In short, the chances are you will need to change job, company or career at some point and it pays to know what employers want.Bear in mind that a lot goes into being a good employee and that there is no such thing as a perfect set of answers. Employers will vary widely from sector to sector so don’t be disheartened if you aren†™t successful.The best you can do is prepare, learn about the role and the company and provide a genuine account of yourself. In fact, most bosses will know within 90 seconds if they will hire a candidate.So be prepared to make an instant impact.There’s no doubt that more experienced candidates are at an advantage before a phone interview but someone with a positive attitude, who can build rapport with the interviewer, can level the playing field very quickly. Remember that a phone interview is often seen as a screening process by your potential employer.Considering that 80% of communication is body language, it’s not only what you say but how you say it in the phone interview.The interviewer can’t see you pause for thought so there might be some awkward silences if you are taking your time to come up with an answer.Stay relaxed, positive and provide clear answers without the jargon. 1. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR CV AND YOUR PAST EXPERIENCEDon’t make the mistake of providing inaccur ate or false information on your CV as this will come back to bite at some point. It is quite normal for an interviewer to ask about a specific aspect of your CV such as a particular project you worked on or to explain any gaps in employment.Know these details inside and out and be sure to back up any answers with detailed explanations. Long gaps of unemployment will set alarm bells ringing for employers so make sure you can provide an explanation.If you switched careers or did something inconsistent with the rest of your CV your interviewer may ask why you did this or what you gained. Maybe you wanted to try something completely different or maybe you wanted to develop a particular skillset that could help you in your current role.Whatever it was provide a good reason for your choice.Think about it this way: you are painting a picture of yourself to your interviewer and you want them to understand your skills, your motivations and your character. They want to understand the whole y ou and that you are a good fit for their culture and Ethos.Before your interview, try to highlight three examples from your CV that will demonstrate your best qualities.If in doubt, try to use examples you are enthusiastic about and would be comfortable elaborating on.Here are some tips on your CV.Treat your resume as an advertisement for you. Dont sell yourself short; your experiences are worthy for review by hiring managers. Be sure to thoroughly sell yourself by highlighting all of your strengths. If you have a valuable asset which doesnt seem to fit into any existing components of your resume, list it anyway as its own resume segment. Recent college graduates should include internships, part-time jobs in another area or field, volunteer work, involvement in school organizations, class work, involvement in management activities for sororities and fraternities, and participation in sports.2. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE COMPANY?Sometimes circumstances mean we just desperately need a job and it doesn’t matter which company employs us. Many will circulate their CV to as many recruiters and employers as possible just hoping that someone will be interested.That’s all fine but your interviewer will expect you to know about the company. Be prepared to answer questions about what the company does, any recent news articles and the company’s unique philosophy and branding. Google the name of the company CEO or look them up in Linkedin and come prepared with some facts.The more you can tell the interviewer about the company, the more they will warm to you and believe you have taken the time to consider why you want to work for them. On the other hand, if your interviewer thinks you haven’t done any research or don’t know much about their business, it can put them off instantly.To really impress your interviewer you could tell them why you prefer their philosophy or culture compared to one of their competitors.However only do this if you genuinely mean it. If y ou were to only learn three things about the company, think along the lines of their mission, the solutions they provide and a brief summary of the company’s history. Align these facts with your personal ambitions and why you will be a good fit for the company.For example you could say “I particularly like your company’s forward looking approach and the importance it places on its values. I was impressed with its record on equal pay for women and I am encouraged by its tough stance on bullying in the workplace. I think this is a place I want to grow my career.”Check out Levo for great tips on finding out about a company including this one right here:Hate to state the obvious, but if you’ve even applied for a job somewhere, you should at least know what the company does! Either way, make sure you’re really clear on this and can also speak to how working in that type of company fits into your own career goals. The best place to find this information is on the company ”ab out us’ page. 3. IF YOU’RE IN A ROLE, WHY DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE?This is a classic interview question and one that pops up all the time. In a way it’s a trick question so don’t fall into the trap of being negative about your current company or your colleagues.Your interviewer will probably be looking for clues that indicate you have a bad attitude or don’t work well as part of a team. They will expect you to highlight what you do like about your current job and why changing is the right move. If you’re only looking for a bigger salary it might be obvious.Bear in mind you will have to adapt to a new way of working and meet a whole bunch of new colleagues. Your interviewer will want to know why your convinced that joining them will be better.Are they more aligned with your personal values? Have you spoken to some people that work there and prefer their culture and ethos?You will need to provide positive and convincing reasons why changing from your current position is in yo ur best interests.It could be that your current company doesn’t keep up with change and that you want to join an innovative and fast moving company.Perhaps you want to join this company because of their outstanding record on equality in the work place or their flexible working hours.Whatever it is, you will need to convince your interviewer that you are changing for positive reasons and that joining them will be mutually beneficial.Example answer: “I have really enjoyed my time at my current company and there are some big reasons I wouldn’t mind staying. However all things considered I think the move is better for my career and my desire to learn new skills. Having spoken to some of your employees I think the cultural fit sounds better for me on the whole. In addition I believe I can bring a great amount of experience that can add real value in a new role.4. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR CURRENT ROLE AND WHAT YOU DO?This might be the first question thrown at you. You should definitely be prepared to give a detailed account of your current day to day activities, where you add value to your business and the experience you have gained.This is a real chance to shine and put your best self across. Try to include experience that might be relevant to the role you are applying for.If you deal with high volumes of requests, demanding customers or tight deadlines and think this is relevant to the role, make sure to elaborate. Be careful not to provide extremely long and detailed answers.Your interviewer is probably more interested that you are clear and confident in your current role and that you understand the overall picture.As always, be positive about your current circumstance and allow the interviewer to ask questions about your examples. Try to choose three to four highlights from your CV that you can talk about with enthusiasm and confidence.5. WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN FIVE YEARS TIME?Interviewers will want to know that you take yourself seriously and that you hav e ambitions and plans for the future. Given the time it can take to make an impact at a new company they will want to know that you have taken the time to make goals and consider your career progression.They will want to know that   you aren’t just testing the waters with their company or using them as a stepping stone for something else.According to Entelo, the most common time to leave a company or change job is after 1 year, with roughly 45,000 per 1 million job changers moving after this time.With this in mind, your interviewer will be looking for signs that you are committed to the job and looking to make a long term impact. If this isn’t the case, don’t lie about it but take some time to think about where you’d genuinely like to be in five years time.Perhaps you’re at an early stage of your career and you’re not entirely sure how to answer this.That’s absolutely fine and you can say that you would like to gain experience to see how you handle certain aspects of a role or that you think there a number of options that would be of interest in the future.The key point is to convince   your interviewer that you have thought about this and are planning ahead.More on how to answer this question from website BigInterview here:The interviewer wants to understand more about your career goals and how this position would fit into your grand plan. They care about your career goals because they want to hire someone who is motivated, proactive, and likely to stick around and work hard if hired.6. WHAT EXPERIENCE DO YOU HAVE THAT WILL HELP YOU IN YOUR CURRENT ROLE?Think about the interviewer here. They might want a candidate who can ‘hit the ground running’ and be able to make a quick impact in the role. If you have relevant experience, make sure to mention this and elaborate on the synergies between your current role and the new position.This could be around managing stakeholders or negotiating skills.Or perhaps in an IT related function specific expe rience with certain software or applications.Try to provide anecdotal evidence to demonstrate how you could bring experience to the new role. If you work in customer services for example, you should be able to convince your interviewer that you can handle any customer and that your expertise can be used straight away.Or perhaps your sales skills and product knowledge can be used instantly in the new role.Example answer: “Over the years I have developed strong negotiating skills and am confident when dealing with customers and colleagues at all levels. I am used to dealing with high volumes of work and multiple projects at the same time and therefore am highly organized and able to work under pressure. I am used to managing clients expectations during busy periods and have effective prioritization skills.”7. ARE YOU A SELF-STARTER?Your employer will want to know that you don’t waste time or sit around doing nothing all day.Obviously the type of role will dictate how much of a s elf-starter you need to be. If you can demonstrate some times you took initiative to complete a project or change a process it will really show that you have the right attitude and want to add value to the company.Certain roles may require you to work on a reactive basis but maybe you can provide examples of a course you took to improve your skillset or a time you stayed late to really understand a complex aspect of your job. Anything to prove that you take action to get results will impress your interviewer.8. DO YOU RESPECT AND GET ALONG WITH MANAGEMENT?Simply try to avoid being negative about management and any bad experiences you have had. Your interviewer won’t expect you to love management but will want to know that you respect decisions made by your superiors.Getting along with your manager is often about regular communication and if you can demonstrate keeping a good relationship with previous managers, regardless of disagreements, your interviewer will be pleased.Perhaps you have in-depth knowledge and opinions about different management styles. If you truthfully can’t work under a certain management style you may as well say so now. For your own benefit you don’t want to join the company and find that your boss is your worst nightmare.Think about the size of the company you are joining as well. Huge organizations simply couldn’t function efficiently without cooperation and communication from their employees. Smaller companies might benefit from a closer, tight-knit group of people where management is more personable and interactive. Consider what your preferences and experiences are with management and how this might influence your performance at work.Example answer: “I have worked with different managers over the years and have seen different styles of management. I appreciate there is no one style that can appease each and every situation and that to function as a team, it helps to have an effective leader and respect their decisions. I a lso believe it is important to have honest and open communication on a regular basis.”9. WHAT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU FROM A JOB?You might have taken the scatter-gun approach to job applications and why not. But employers looking for a long term candidate will be impressed if you can articulate exactly what you enjoy in a role and what satisfies you. This will convince them that you want to join the company and add value to their business.They will expect you to speak enthusiastically about aspects of your role and why this gives you satisfaction. They are more likely to hire a candidate that knows what they want. If you aren’t sure, have a think about what you genuinely enjoy doing and the type of tasks and roles that are suited to you.With an ever ageing population the likelihood is that most people entering the job market now will have to work longer to reach retirement age. Continuously taking jobs you don’t like is surely not sustainable in the long run.Do yourself and your employer a favor and consider what is important for you from your job.Website MyPerfectResume  can help if you struggle to answer this question:In my current job- the things I really value don’t have a lot to do with the main function of the job. Don’t get me wrong- I enjoy it- but what I really value is the way that it puts me in a position to support members of a team and work toward a goal together. I can do the work on my own when I need to- but I’ve always found that it is easier to keep your eye on the goal and contribute well when you also feel like you are supported by the people around you- and I like being one of the people who can provide that support- too.I value the same two things in every job- and I tend to look for opportunities that let me do more of them. Those two things are helping people understand new ideas and use them creatively- and seeing how multiple lines of creative thinking come together to make something new. That’s what attracted me to this po sition. It’s a chance to take a step forward by not only working on training a new team- but on delivering a fully-finished project that innovates on many levels- from its organization to its implementation.10. WHAT MAJOR CHALLENGES DID YOU FACE AND HOW DID YOU HANDLE THEM?Let’s face it every job has stresses and challenges. Some more than others but employers will want to know about your resolve and attitude when the going gets tough. In the United Kingdom alone, 12.5 million working days were lost in 2016/17 due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety. Your employer will know that you’re not invincible but they’ll want to know you can handle the challenges and stresses of the job.In certain financial services and accountancy roles there will be times when long hours and tight deadlines are expected. Employers will expect you to convince them that you can handle this type of pressure and won’t give up at the first sign of stress.Bring a couple of examples to your ph one interview and explain why you were challenged, why it was important to overcome the challenge and the steps you took to succeed.Try to think of a time you had to complete something in a short space of time or where you had some significant set backs. CONCLUSIONAfter reading the questions above that interviewers will expect you to answer, you can only do your best to prepare and to have the best chance of success.Below is a summary of the top things and tips to remember:PHONE INTERVIEW CHECKLIST1Be positive. 80% of communication is body language so you only have your voice to project over the phone. Try to build a friendly but professional rapport with the interviewer.2Know your CV inside out. Choose three highlights and be prepared to elaborate on them in great detail.3Give your interviewer the chance to speak. They will want to be heard as much as you and will expect you to listen to their questions in full. They will want to tell you about the role and the company so pay atten tion to what they are saying.4Stick to the point when answering questions. Your interviewer won’t necessarily be impressed by the length of your answers or overly complicated jargon. Think about what the interviewer is asking and try not to change the subject.5Be genuine. This can be difficult if you are trying really hard to impress your interviewer and you desperately want the job. But for your own benefit and the company’s, it won’t benefit anyone in the long run if you’re given the job on false pretences.6Learn about the company, the job and the industry if you haven’t already. Come prepared to talk about recent news articles, the company’s mission statement and how you will be a good fit. Try to find out if there have been any game-changing developments in the industry such as new laws and regulations or break throughs in technology.7Don’t be negative about your old company or colleagues.8Don’t answer the phone to any unrecognized numbers. If you do, be prepared that this could be your future employer calling to arrange the first interview. On this note, keep a list of all the roles you have applied for. They won’t be impressed if you can’t remember sending the application.9Think about tasks and activities you enjoy in a job. When you speak about these your interviewer will be able to sense your enthusiasm and passion. This will do wonders to convince them you are the right person for the role.10Stay focused and don’t allow any distractions. If you are taking the call from home, don’t slouch on the sofa or have the TV on mute. As much as possible treat this as a real face-to-face interview. Keep a copy of your CV, and any other useful information, close at hand.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

10 Thesis Topics in Dermatology

Dermatology is a field of science that deals with the study of skin, nails, hair and its treatment in case of various complications. Selecting thesis topics in dermatology should be based on the sphere of interest and acquired knowledge obtained during the course. While choosing a particular topic, the researcher should pay attention to the innovative technological therapies that are elaborated to struggle with skin conditions. Thesis topics in dermatology should focus on the analysis of various surgeries, influence of a person’s lifestyle on the skin, and the relation of the skin condition to other diseases. In this article, you are offered the list of 10 topics acceptable for dermatology theses one of the research questions is answered for visual reference. Be sure that these dermatology topics are chosen according to the proper procedure that is also explained in this article. Besides, you’ll find 5 simple and effective ways to do research on dermatology topics. So read it attentively paying attention to all the details. 10 Dermatology Topics: Be Open to New Thesis Ideas to Research Don’t know what to research in Dermatology? Indeed, there are many possible dermatological issues that require a lot of attention on the part of researchers. But it is true that there may be difficulties in choosing a good dermatology topic, especially if you need to write a thesis that amounts to 50% of the overall grade. Among the key problems most students face while selecting a research topic, it is possible to highlight the following ones: There is no relevant information because the research topic has been only under close investigation; There is too much information because the topic is debatable and every researcher has his/her own point of view. These 2 issues are taken into consideration while compiling the following list of 10 dermatology topics. It means that enough information is available to you to write a well-researched thesis on Dermatology. Below you’ll find the reliable sources of information. The Epidemiological Investigation of Uncommon Skin Disorders: Top 5 Risk Factors of Melanoma and Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers; The Genetic Test for Uncommon Skin Conditions; The Interaction Between Genetic and Environmental Factors for Skin Disorders; Genetic Changes within the FLG Gene and Negative Environmental Challenges for a Proper Skin Barrier; The Neonatal Skin Care Preventing the Development of AD; The Identification of Potentially Novel Skin Disorders within Technological Environment; The Interaction of Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Agents for the Improvement of the Skin Barrier; Skin Manifestations of Autoimmune Disorders or Side Effects of Medication; The Effectiveness of Cosmetic Products in Treating Atopic Dermatitis. 10 Information Sources to Research a Dermatology Thesis Topic It is vital to have reliable sources of information at hand before you start writing a thesis. Don’t skip this stage and start examining the following sources to write your own thesis: American Journal of Clinical Dermatology is a journal presenting the evidence-based articles and clinically focussed studies covering all aspects of dermatology. Annals of Dermatology is an official peer-reviewed publication of the latest research outcomes and recent trends in dermatology. Dermatology Case Reports Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that includes a wide range of topics in this field including Cosmetic Dermatology, Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery, skin disorders, Dermatological Oncology, Dermatopathology, cutaneous lymphoma. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology is a peer-reviewed journal covering the latest clinical and experimental research in all aspects of skin disease and its cosmetic interventions. Clinical Dermatology and Dermatitis is a peer-reviewed medical journal sharing the useful knowledge of clinicians, medical practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology is a peer-reviewed journal containing official and scientific publications and aiming to satisfy the educational needs of the dermatology community. Journal of Investigative Dermatology is a peer-reviewed journal that is related to all aspects of cutaneous biology and skin diseases. JAMA Dermatology is is a monthly peer-reviewed journal by the American Medical Association that covers the diagnosis and treatment of all possible dermatological issues. The Skin Cancer Foundation is an international organization providing the public and the medical community with information about skin cancer. For example, you can examine some skin cancer facts and statistics to support your own research or essay. The Society for Melanoma Research is an organization formed by scientific and medical investigators to alleviate the suffering of people with melanoma. 3 Points to Choose the ‘Best’ Topic for a Thesis Good research depends on many factors, and a well-chosen topic is that you should start with. You can know how to write and edit a thesis properly, but the final quality of the research process will depend on what topic is chosen. Make sure that the following points are applied to your thesis topic: Originality. A degree of originality is a key requirement for academic writing. Everyone hears about plagiarism issues at colleges or universities. In the case when you take into consideration the same topic that has been already explored, nobody will punish for that. However, you should keep in mind that it won’t be highly appreciated as well. Try to shed light on the issue from another perspective if you’ve already chosen an investigated matter. Otherwise, you risk not standing out in the academic field. Hopefully, you won’t pursue this path. Research interests. Always when you are short of ideas to cover, rely on the research interests think of what could be interesting for people both in and outside the field of study, and get them excited about your research. In other words, your thesis should lead to answers for big important questions that are in mind of people. Manageability. Remember that developing any research idea means investing enough time and energy. However, there are some topics that are easy to consider, but much harder to write on. Think of the simplest way you will do your research, and how you would go about it. As a result, you should press ahead with the simple action plan first. Only then, you can make a final choice. Although all these points play a great role in choosing a well-run topic for a thesis, you should stay within the proper context of the field of study to answer a research question to the fullest extent an average idea that is well-executed is much better than a brilliant idea that is executed badly. Remember it and look at the example of writing on one of the dermatology topics. The Impact of Hormones on the Skin First and foremost, disbalance of hormones affects human skin that is caused by the number of problems such as consumption of non-organic food, inappropriate diet, and sugar balance, lack of sleep and exercise, and stress. Hormones are deeply integrated into chemical signals created in organs including adrenal glands, ovaries, and thyroid glands that influence other tissues. Estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid are the most important hormones that need to be regulated to have healthy skin and keep the body organism in balance. Estrogen is primarily considered to be the female hormone that controls the reproductive system and fertility/libido levels. The decline of estrogens leads to the dehydration and poor skin as well as a small amount of blood flow to the skin. The skin becomes thin and sallow losing the accurate lines and healthy look. As a result, the wrinkles appear; the skin around the lips and eyes sags and loses its vibrancy. To keep estrogens in balance, the person should consume natural foods adding flax seeds and soy to the diet that fasten estrogen metabolism. It helps to prevent the excess level of the hormone and protect the organism from such dangerous disease as breast cancer. Furthermore, herbs involving hops, maca, and black cohosh can also be used to increase estrogen levels in women. Bio-identical hormone therapy under the control of the well-trained professional can also be beneficial to regulate estrogen level. Testosterone is a principally male hormone that is responsible for muscle and fat gain as well as stimulation of libido. This hormone helps to produce the sebum that is essential to keep the skin moist and nurturing. During the period of puberty and menopause, the levels of testosterone are on the rise that makes the skin too oily. That is why, in the teenage, individuals suffer from acne that may continue in the adult age if it is not treated. To manage hormone, people are recommended to avoid consuming dairy products and eat foods rich in zinc and omega. The thyroid is another hormone which imbalance can cause dry skin or its thickening with reduction of sweat. On the contrary, the abundance of thyroid results in the smooth, flushed, and sweaty skin. The thyroid imbalance is exacerbated when the patient also faces difficulties with digestion and proper metabolism as well as fatigue. To improve the condition of the skin, one needs to consume fatty acids involving omega-3 that are present in walnuts, salmon, algae, and eggs. The poor diet lacking these fats leads to acne and makes the skin dry. Now, we are sure our extensive experience and research enable us to reliably offer you the best, and the most current, options available writing on any topic you wish. Hopefully, we are useful for you so that you can say, â€Å"I manage to do my thesis as expected from me†.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Business and Financial Environment Assignment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2552 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Business and Financial Environment Part 1(a) Demand is the capacity that customer are capable and willing to buy at each reasonable price. Severely speaking this definition depicts effective demand, as resist to latent demand when a customer is incapable to fulfill their demand, no matter it is because of be short of knowledge on the availability of a goods or because of lack of money (Grant 2000). Or Effective demand is the ability to pay for goods and services. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Business and Financial Environment Assignment" essay for you Create order Since demand is based on human decision many factor can influence demand. One may categorize these factors into 2 sets. One set influences the position of the demand curve as a whole while the other set of factors influences the gradient, also known as the Price Elasticity of Demand, or PED for short. Diagram: Demand curve D1 shifts to new position of D2. Factors influencing the position of the demand curve influence the whole position of the demand curve on the price towards quantity graph. Thus variation one or more of the elements will result in the shift of the demand curve to the left or right. There are some factors that influencing the position of the demand curve (Begg 2003). One of the factors is taste. Taste may vary due to custom, fashion or favor. For example when there has increase in popularity of video games has encouraged the raise in demand for games consoles. The next factor is related goods. Related goods can be categorised into substitute goods an d complementary goods. Variation in demand, and thus price, of substitute goods would frequently have the inverse effect on the demand of a good. For example the low price of Chinese vacuum cup has cut down the demand for vacuum cup made in the West. Complementary goods demand change lead to the exactly inverse effect compared to demand variation of substitute goods. If the price of complementary good falls then the demand for a good, which the complementary good complements, will rise, is then shift to the left. For example a significant falls in oil prices may lead to rise in petrol driven vehicles. Income is the following factor. The more money the customer has to spend the more likely the consumer is to spend that money. Many factors influence disposable income. For example, interest rates or job opportunities. It is considerable to know that certain low cost goods, like chewing gum for example, are not involved by variation in income compared with other goods, like houses, a re. Part 1(b) Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of demand to changes in price for a particular good. Demand is said to be elastic when the percentage change in price bring about a more proportionate change in the quantity demanded. And so, the demand for the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s package holidays is elastic as the value is greater than one which is 1.8. The degree to which the quantity demanded for a good change in response to a change in price can be influenced by a number of factors. Factors include the number of close substitutes and whether the good or service is a necessity or luxury. In this case, it is luxury. Income elasticity of demand indicates the measure of responsiveness of a change in the quantity demanded to changes in the incomes of the consumers. Income elasticity of demand is an economics statement that mention to the responsiveness of the quantity demanded for some of the good in response to alter in the publicà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ s incomes. The income elasticity of demand for the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s package holidays has a value of 2.5 which is positive income elasticity. Income elasticity for the service is said to be positive when a rise in income brings to an increase in the quantity demanded for the goods. During the time of rising incomes, the quantity demanded for luxury goods incline to raise at a higher proportion than the quantity demanded for necessity. The quantity demanded for luxury products is very responsive to the changes in incomes. The managers of Flying Delights Limited are suggested to lower the price of the package holidays in order to attract more customers. Part 2 The equilibrium price and quantity of a good or service can be determined by superimposing the supply curve on the demand curve. The equilibrium price can be illustrated as the price at which the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied. From the strength of demand and supply process on the price mec hanism, equilibrium price can be accomplished. It is the position at which quantity demanded and quantity supplied is equal. Market equilibrium, for example, mentions to a term where a market price is create by competition such that the amount of goods or services look for by buyer is equal to the total of goods or services produced by sellers. This price is usually known as theequilibrium price. In the graph below the point at which the demand curve connects the supply curve is theequilibrium price. Equilibrium is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"self rightingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. It means that if we try to move away from the equilibrium situation it will revert back to its original position, if there is no external disturbance. Figure below explains the concept. In this diagram the equilibrium price is P* and the quantity supplied Qe. However, the prices have been increased to P2. If the price rises it would bring about more suppliers to enter the market and supply rising to Qs. Meanwhile, a rise in price to P1 will bring about a decrease in demand according to the law of demand. This will establish anexcess supply circumstances. At this moment, the suppliers would realised it troublesome to sell their goods and they will have to lower their price to attract more customer. This will proceed till the price achieves its initial amount which is P*. Therefore the circumstance is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"self rightingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ if the prices are increased without affect by any external factor. It can be see that the prices have been decreased from P* to P1. This leads to an decrease in supply from Q* to Qs. As the prices decrease from P* to P1, people can afford to buy more of that good and demand rise from Q* to Qd. Again anexcess dem andstatus is established. In order to obtain the most out of this status the suppliers will begin rising their price. Meanwhile, demand will begin decreasing as the prices rise. This will be goes on till the prices settle at equilibrium price i.e. Pe. Therefore, it can be said that equilibrium isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"self-rightingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Part 3(a) Interest rate standards are an element of the supply and demand of loan: A raise in the demand for credit will increase interest rates, while a fall in the demand for credit will reduce them. In turn, a raise in the supply of credit will decrease the interest rates while a fall in the supply of credit will increase them. The supply of credit is raised by a raise in the measure of money made accessible to borrower. For an example, when somebody opens a bank account, it is practically lending money to the bank. Relying on the type of account you open, the bank may do some money invested activities. A certificate of depositwould give a higher interest rate than a checking account, in which may have the capability to access the funds at any possible while. And so, the bank may lend out the money to other customers. There will be more credit available in the economy as the bank can lend more. In other words, if the supply of credit rises, the interest falls. Credit available in the econom y is reduced as lenders determine to stay the re-payment of their credits. For example, when determine to delaypaying the current months credit card billuntil next month or later, it is not only raising the measure of interest that have to pay, while also reducing the measure of credit available in the market. And so, there will be increasing the interest rates in the economy. Inflation would also influence interest rate standards. The interest rates will be raise more as the higher in the inflation rate. It takes place as lenders would demand higher interest rates as compensation for the falls in purchasing strength of the money they would be pay back in the future. The government has a voice on how interest rates are influenced. Thefederal funds rate, or the rate that organisations charge each other for mightly short-term loans, influence the interest rate that bank fix on the money they lend. The rate then in the end shed down into other short-term lending rate. When the governme nt acquires even more securities, banks are infused with more money than they may make use for lending, and so the interest rate falls. When the government sells security, money from the banks is flow out for the business deal, render less funds at the banks disposal for lending, compelling an increase in interest rates. Part 3(b) (i) The influence of an increase in the interest rates is to reduce the present discounted value (PDV) of peoples intended future consumption. It means that, higher interest rates indicate the lesser money are needed to fund a particular measure of future consumption. Intended future consumption is then less expensive, causing people better off in a lifetime sense, and lead people to spend more these days. But, since the interest rate decided the measure of money practically in circulation, a higher interest rate may also reduce the consumption, where might be influence all elements of GDP. (ii)Investment is inversely corresponded to interest rate, which are the price of borrowing and the repay to lending. There have few impact of a change to the rate of interest. That is, if interest rates go up, the opportunity cost of investment go up too. In other words, an increase in interest rates also increases the return on funds deposited in an interest-bearing account, wh ich lower the attractiveness of investment corresponding to lending. Therefore, investment resolutions may be put off until interest rates back to lower stage. Thus, if interest rates rise, companies can expect that consumers would lower their spending, and the interest of investing will be reduced. Investing to extend need that consumers at least keep their current spending. Therefore, an anticipated falls is likely to obstruct corporation from investing and compel them to delay their investment plans. (iii)Interest rates, inflation and exchange rates are all particularly correlative. By controlling interest rates,central banksimpose influence on exchange rates, and changing interest rates influence currency values. Higher interest rates provide lender in an economy a higher return comparative to other state. Consequently, higher interest rates attract foreign capital and lead to the exchange rate to increase. The impact of higher interest rates is mitigated, however, if additio nal elements help to push the currency down. The inverse relationship exists for lower interest rates tend to reduce exchange rates. Part 4(a) The main reason for regulation of banking is depositor protection. Pressure for this regulation take place as the public started doing financial transactions via banks, and as business and individual started holding a major part of their funds in banks. Banking proposes an amount of distinct issues for consumers and creditors (Ogren 2011). Many bank clients take a bank mostly while writing checks and conducting other financial transactions. In order to do this, they have to keep a deposit account. As a result, bank customers take the role of bank creditors and do linked with the wealth of their bank (Spong 2000). This differs with most of the other businesses, where customers just pay for goods or services and not ever become creditors of the corporation. Part 4(b) It can be disputed that regulation refrains innovation and growth. This hurt growth and cut down efforts by banks to engage in better profit making scheme.Others argue that regulation is essential to avoid abusive practices and assure equitable access for everyone.This makes increased occasion for lending to poor and underserved society. Both sides have effective arguments to this question.The test of whether bank regulation is essential or needed is in how well the economy goes through. It is possible to both over-regulate and under-regulate banks.Congress may set in place too various banking regulations that raise administrative expense for banks and strengthen profitability, causing banks to break down.The regulator may be very loose in their oversight tasks and miss to carry out primary provision of the banking law. Part 4(c) (i)Risk asset normally mentions to assets which have a major degree of price volatility, such as equity, commodity, high-yield bonds, real estate and currency. Especially in the banking circumstance, risk asset consult to an asset owned by a financial organisation whose value can undulate by the variation in interest rates, re-payment risk, credit quality and more. The term can also mention to equity capital in a financially extended or nearly-bankrupt corporations, as the shareholdersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ claim will scale under those of the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s bondholders and other lender. (ii) The risk is related with the in advance unscheduled return of primary on a fixed-income protection. Certain fixed-income securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, have embeds call options that may be performed by the issuer. The yield-to-maturity of such securities cannot be known for some at the time of buying from the cash flows are not known about. When principal is return in advance, the coming interest payment would not be paid on that section of the principal. If the bond was bought at a premium the bonds yield would be less than what was predicted at the time of buying.For a contract with an embed call option, the more a contractà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s interest rate corresponding to current interest rate, the more the prepayment risk.For instance, in a mortgage-backed security, the more the interest rate respective to present interest rate, the more the possibility that the relating mortgage would be refinanced. Besides to being so correlative with decreasing interest r ate, mortgage prepayment are extremely correlate with rising home prices, as rising home price lead incentives for borrower to swap up in home or else make use of cash-out refinances, all leading to mortgage prepayment. (iii) The risk begins from the short of marketability of an investment that cannot be bought or sold immediately enough to avoid or minimize a loss. Liquidity risk is normally reported in extraordinary wide bid-ask spreads or large price movements. The regulation of thumb is which that the smaller the measure of the securities, the greater the liquidity risk.Even though liquidity risk is mostly correlative with micro-cap and small-cap stock or security, it may sometimes influence even the biggest stocks in time of climacteric. The consequence of the 9/11 assaults and the 2007-2008 global credit crisis are two comparatively recent cases of times while liquidity risk rose to unusual high standards. Raising liquidity risk regularly turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy, since panicky investors attempt to offer for sale their holdings at any value, result in widening bid-ask disseminate and large value denies, which further devote to market liquidity. References David Begg, (2003), Economics 7th edition Grant.S, Vidler.C, (2000), Economics in Context Ogren.A, (2011), The Sub-ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ prime Crisis and how it Changed the Past Spong.K, (2000), BANKING REGULATION Its Purposes, Implementation, and Effects Fifth Edition

Monday, May 18, 2020

Learning Left-Brain vs. Right Brain Essay - 1027 Words

Have you ever wondered how your extremely messy sibling can be so creative and yet you the very organized one can’t seem to color within the lines to save your life? There is a legitimate reason for this mystery. The brain is divided into two sections. They are known as the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. Individually they have different functionalities but collectively they make up the person as a whole and can give some explanation as to why a person process and learn the way they do. Hopefully, by the end of this read you will better understand this phenomenon and make it work for you. One of the major forces behind research into the mysteries of the human brain is Mr. Roger Sperry. He is credited for developing the†¦show more content†¦The brains right side also helps us to understand visual imagery and make sense of what we see. It plays a role in language, particularly in interpreting context and a persons tone (Melina, 2011). To put it into lam ens terms a CEO primarily use their left hemisphere; it is the half that solves specific problems. It is logical, linear. Public Relation practitioners, on the other hand, use their right brain more. Iit is the half that gives them intuition, the propensity to dream, creativity, the ability to sense and perceive (Budd Jr, 1997). Now that we understand the science behind the â€Å"two minds†, let’s see how they affect our communications skills, problem solving techniques, and productivity in the world. Left brain individuals are great at giving and receiving verbal instructions. Since the left brain is the region for language, speech, and hearing, left-brained people are usually good at expressing themselves in words, and they enjoy writing and talking. For example if giving direction, the left brain person will say something like â€Å"From here, go west three blocks and turn north on Vine Street. Go three or four miles and then turn east onto Broad Street.† When it comes to problem solving, left-brained people process information based on reality. They make decisions and solve problems according to the reality of situations. When it comes to the environment, left-brained people try to adjust to it and notShow MoreRelatedThe Left Brain vs. the Right Brain and Its Effect on Learning672 Words   |  3 PagesLeft Brain vs. the Right Brain and it’s Effects on Learning The left side of the brain and the right side of the brain are said to have specific functions relative for each side (Melina, 2011). The left side of the brain is said to be responsible for interpreting language, sound, and speech (Melina, 2011). According to Cherry (2014), the right side of the brain is said to control face recognition, creativity, and emotions conveyed when reading among others. 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RIGHT SIDE 1 When I decided to choose this topic as the topic for my final paper I knew that I would have to do quite a bit of research on the left and right side of the brain to further understand the individual functions of each side and how each side impacts learning. I was quite surprised when I learned exactly how the brain works and how each side impacts learning. In this essay I will explain how the left and right side function and what each side

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Professional Critique Bus Stop - 767 Words

Bus Stop By William Inge Directed by David Schweizer Bus Stop written by the playwright William Inge was performed on Tuesday December 4th at Centerstage, the State Theatre of Maryland. The production explained the transformation and change of the characters throughout the show. Directed by David Schweizer, all the elements of the production came together to form the concept of transformation. The production of Bus Stop grasps the relevance of individuals finding themselves. Not only does the physically abusive cowboy find himself, but the young cafà © waitress finds herself through the fragility of the human heart that lies deep within the characters. These characters continue living and moving forward in their feisty, courageous†¦show more content†¦Costume designer, Clint Ramos tied the actors to their characters simply by how they were robed. Bo and Virgil’s costumes showed us that they were cowboys as soon as they stepped foot on the stage, along with Grace and Elma’s pink dresses and white aprons as they w orked in the cafà © the whole production. Overall, the message shared from the production of Bus Stop set the transformation of characters against reality. Directed by David Schweizer and written by the playwright, William Inge, this production really hits home on how people are and end up after change and transformation. The elements of the production really help enhance the actor’s performances and move the play along together as aShow MoreRelatedExperience Of The Cascade Simulation Conducted1502 Words   |  7 Pagesjumped to the conclusion that our military peers expertise would help make decisions on what we perceived to be a related experience. There is a misconception that the military is code for trained professionals in most combat and survival situations. 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School violence is happening more frequently than it should and something needs to be done to stop it. Not only does an act of school violence, especially a school shooting, affect the individual student it reflects poorly on the United States school systems but it also reflects poorly to our nation as whole. Some people may argue that there isRead MoreEssay on The Glory and The Dream9497 Words   |  38 Pagesthought to be able to eradicate Communism in the American government. Because of the wide parameters, many people lost their jobs. 3. How was America involved in Indochina? a. American involvement in Indochina was a result of the U.S. attempt to stop the spread of Communism following WWII. Eisenhower sent troops over to support the French government, who was trying to regain control of Vietnam. By sending support, Eisenhower hoped to limit the amount of American involvement in wars, so his focusRead MoreThe Sustainable Century By Design Or Disaster9705 Words   |  39 Pagesdefined. Dull? Maybe. But Building a Better GRI is Vital to More Better Corporate Sustainability .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Paper Planes and People – Three Critiques of the GRI’s own GRI Report.Error! Bookmark not defined. GRI G4 Update at a Glance†¦. ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. On Being Under the Sword of Damocles 5 Tips to GRI – G4 Readiness! ........

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Knowledge That The Laputians Possess May - 1350 Words

The knowledge that the Laputians possess may also reflect some symbolism towards the saying of ignorance is bliss. If one does not know about something, they tend to not worry about, but the Laputians know so much with their abstract theories of math and science that they â€Å"are under continual disquietudes† (Swift 2577). The knowledge they have also makes it very apparent that they never take the time to enjoy themselves as they fear the end of Earth constantly and â€Å"when they meet an acquaintance in the morning, the first question is about the sun’s health...and what hopes they have to avoid the stroke of the approaching comet† (Swift 2577-78). They worry so much that their conversations are their worries which is very sad. Another sad thing is the men of Laputa do not even spend their time with their wives which makes it all the more easy for affairs to arise. The women of Laputa are free to do as they please, but they are unable to leave the island as â€Å"the people of quality have found by frequent experience, how hard it is to persuade their women to return from below† (Swift 2578). As unfaithful as they are, the women still attempt to leave. It almost seems like the knowledge the Laputians have is so powerful that it was able to make their wives unfaithful. The impracticalness of the Laputians become more evident with Gulliver’s observations and discoveries. Gulliver is given tutors by the Laputian King to teach him their language; however, he finds that the words he

Unanswered Problems With Scince Topics to Write an Argumentative Essay on Revealed

Unanswered Problems With Scince Topics to Write an Argumentative Essay on Revealed Things You Won't Like About Scince Topics to Write an Argumentative Essay on and Things You Will Argumentative essays utilize logic, facts, and reasoning to figure out the victor. As you have observed, different varieties of essay topics have various techniques to approach them, and in addition, they have their own benefits. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's important to at all times be critically considering the world around us. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. The Ultimate Scince Topics to Write an Argumentative Essay on Trick You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. It's possible for you to order a top-notch customized essay from us, and we are going to manage everything, or all you have to do is benefit from our paper editing and r ewriting services. Instead, start when the assignment is given so that you're able to have ample time to decide on a topic, do your research and produce the last draft. With our company, your assignment will acquire high marks not based on the argumentative essay topics you select. If you do so, there isn't any reason why you need ton't produce an impressive paper. Before writing an argumentative essay, there's one important thing you should know. Another good idea is to receive some completely free essay examples of different kinds and on various subjects to find a general idea of the way in which a thriving debatable paper looks. P.S. Keep in mind it is possible to contact online academic writers to aid in topic selection together with writing the entire paper from A to Z. An argumentative essay is a certain kind of academic writing. Figure out how funny argumentative essay topics can receive the interest of your tutor. The argumentative essay structure is comparable to th at of different essays, but it has a couple of unique elements that you have to look out for. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to locate ready-made essays and use them as an example. Young writers may try simple on-line citation generators which are normally at no charge. Using good informational essay topics can have an impact on how good a grade you get. Adding quotes to an essay is among the most essential factors, particularly when it is a Political Science essay. Things You Won't Like About Scince Topics to Write an Argumentative Essay on and Things You Will Frequently, argumentative essay topics are controversial, which is 1 reason they're fantastic for college students that are attempting to expand their thinking. Social science essays offer you an opportunity to present your opinion and speak up. Writing essays about science demands rigid discipline and a practical u nderstanding of experimental procedures. There's more to a custom political science essay than simply writing a guide and having it checked by the professor to receive any grade. Our company has been operating for more than five decades, and in this time, we've managed to provide excellent writing services to students in various portions of the world. Because each family differs, it's really hard to generalize in these kinds of essays. These topics will be helpful for individuals who need to compose essays about the subject mentioned above in the shape of a normal job. They are intended to help students identify some useful sources. Once you've written the entire essay, you ought to go through it one final time to eliminate any mistakes and make any improvements you are able to. The duration of paragraphs in these parts will fluctuate depending on the period of your essay assignment. But it ought to be loud and clear. Understanding Scince Topics to Write an Argumentative E ssay on The chief reason why somebody is writing an argumentative essay is to try to persuade or sway another man or woman or perhaps a group of men and women in your rightness in a particular theme. One of the greatest strategies to change anybody's mind is with an emotional investment. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. Though people believe education is a correct and will make society, overall, a better place for everybody, others feel there's no real method to provide a free college education as colleges would still have to be funded (likely through tax dollars). Thus, when you encounter an essay question, spend a couple of minutes thinking about just what the question really asks, and make certain that you have a good idea of the types of issues and concepts that the question is attempting to secure you to deal with. When you are requested to opt for a great topic for your argument, start with something you're familiarized with. In truth, it includes a great deal of elements. Therefore, when you think you fully grasp the sort of response that the essay question is attempting to elicit, ask yourself about which bits of information is going to be the most relevant to your response. What You Need to Do About Scince Topics to Write an Argumentative Essay on Starting in the Next 6 Minutes When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most crucial issue to do is to select a topic and an argument you could really get behind. It's crucially important to completely engage yourself in this issue you will write. However, furthermore important than a fantastic topic is that it's well-written. However, aside from the right structure, one also must come across an engaging topic to cover.

Contemporary Issues in Marketing Management †Click Now!

Question: Write a report to show you understand the relationships and responsibilities in various sectors. Answer: Importance of Relationship Marketing Does The Intricacy of The Topic Intimidate You? Tame Your Fear with Unmatched Assignment Help Services from Professional Writers. Knowledge Management with Customer Relationship Management Knowledge management is defined as a procedure to capture, develop, share and use the organizational knowledge in a multi disciplined approach for achievement of organizational goals by leveraging best of the knowledge. The objectives of knowledge management focus on competitive advantage, shared lessons, innovation, enhanced performance, and continuous performance of the organization. Knowledge management is deployed for the scientific tasks of managing and optimizing intangible assets of the organization. The theories of knowledge management is segregated into techno centric focusing over technology for knowledge creation; organizational management focusing over design of the organization and ecological knowledge management with focus over interaction and collaboration of knowledge, identity, people, environmental factors pertaining to complex adaptive systems. Knowledge management strategies are available in abundance and hence companies do exploit their resources and key skills t o refine the system of knowledge management. The framework of strategies include rewarding system for motivation, storytelling for transferring tacit knowledge, reviews, cross project learning, competence management, best practice transfer, inter project knowledge transfer, social softwares like blogs or bookmarking, collaborative technologies, knowledge mapping, proximity and architecture, master apprentice relationship, reporting of intellectual capital (Rowley, 2004) etc. There are numerous technologies related with the knowledge management like workflow (creation and utilization of documents and forms), enterprise portals (websites aggregating all the information), groupware (technology for threaded discussions, sharing, uniform emails), eLearning (customized training and education software), content management (automation of web content), telepresence (for virtual meetings like videoconference) and scheduling (use of tools like Microsoft Project, Microsoft Outlook for schedulin g and planning tasks). With marketing trends transitioning from result orientation towards customer orientation, organizations are investing their resources heavily in customer resource management by intellectual implementation of information technology and wise utilization of knowledge management. Knowledge management in the domain of customer relationship is basically a signboard for policies and strategies of the organization. Implementation of customer relationship management requires acquisition, documentation, transference and usage of knowledge both internal and external to the organization. The influence of knowledge management comprises of elements including customer interaction, customer value, customer knowledge, customer satisfaction etc. It is a key to understand the experiences in a sharp and intelligent manner relating customers. Successful companies interrelate the features of customer oriented policies with customer knowledge to make efficient business decisions. Integration of Knowledge M anagement with Customer Relationship Management can aid the companies to navigate and keep a record of complex problems of support. Knowledge management is the catalyst in the process of customer relationship management by the means of knowledge acquisition to develop insights, skills and relationships to enable the customers to go through a self expansion process to go out the boundaries of business; knowledge documentation in which documents, spreadsheets, pictures, databases, illustrations, emails, web pages, and such resources are consumed by the process to enhance customer knowledge to be reused for the future purposes dealing with changing customers trends; knowledge transfer via which customer information can be transferred by the means of codified communication, personal communication, embodied KT; knowledge creation to involve ontological dimensions and domains including explicit and tacit knowledge innovation at customer, group or organizational level (Arnett, 2005). Role of ICT in CRM Technology have made the research, review and discussion of the customers views and requirements on an online base. The new challenges for the business are to understand the behavior of the customers for retention and to adapt to the services and expectations for customer relationship management. ICT make it easier to get in touch with the customers by management of calls, advertisements, channels etc. Business is made easier by the integration of information and communication technology to refine the customer relationship. The contemporary customers are connected, demanding, networked and therefore the business processes are adopting the features of ICT to meet up the expectations of the customers and to make them satisfied. Business needs to focus their knowledge and resources to give customers a high degree of response which is possible by integration of ICT by the means of online complaint system, online chat rooms for customer problem appraisals, call center services, voice hand ling tools and many more such technological services available for customers. Use of service clouds (Jayachandran, 2005) which is a gift of ICT is effectively used to manage customer database for effective services provided in future. Customer reachability is enhanced by integration of new communication channels provided by ICT such as messages, emails, feedback, online surveys etc. With technology of web mining consumer profiles and data can be efficiently handled and managed. Email marketing is used for CRM which have various features imbibed in plethora of models like newsletters, surveys, reminders, campaigns, alerts etc. Nowadays the trend is not just to feed the information into the conventional databases but CRM have paved the path for continuous updating of customer needs and their level of acceptance towards new technologies. Role of CRM in retail industry Customer Relationship Management is the key for successful enforcement of techniques to ensure customer loyalty and retention to increase the sales and purchases of the company. In retail sector, CRM programs have played a key role in transforming the business from buyer led organizations towards customer focused groups. Some innovative features like loyalty cards and offer coupons helps the companies to know more about the preferences of their customers and further aid to segment the market to make customized decisions. Online retailing is another innovation to enhance the feature of CRM. CRM is really beneficial to the retail industry by incorporating various steps such as database formation by the means of loyalty or future cards, customer profitability analysis, interaction on an individual basis and segmentation based over needs. Various companies handle the system for CRM in retailing by the means of screening, investigating, acknowledging, formulating a solution, responding an d following up. Operational CRM is used in sales force automation for tracking the customer preferences, to administer the retail sales, to forecast the future sales, to manage the accounts, and to manage the performance metrics. It is also used in customer service support for retail industry for automation and coordination for service requests, product returns, enquiries and customer complaints and also for support services like call centers, web portals, remote virtual interaction to contract centers (Cuthbertson, 2004). CRM in retailing is also used for enterprise marketing automation to apply technology in retail marketing, to deal with macro environmental factors, to campaign for segments and to increase the retail marketing efficiency. Recommendation to improve CRM in banking sector 1. Potential banking customers must be involved prior to the introduction of the CRM in banking sector so as to have a pre execution review. 2. Staff must be trained as per the strategies of CRM and they must be on their toes to serve the loyal customers of the bank which can be very well evaluated by implementation of CRM software in the industry. 3. A constructive feedback facility should be available and customers must be approached for constant meetings or rewards so as to enhance their loyalty towards banks. There should be incentives set apart for them falling under the domain of CRM. 4. Introduction of eCRM for banks will be a competitive edge (Liu, 2007) to efficiently manage the accounts and ease up the process of communication. System and software development should be implemented to assess credit risk management and to include business intelligence software under the light of sophisticated CRM. 5. Capacity of the staff must be developed pertaining to human resource development and organizational setting to handle vast economic market for enhancement of quality and satisfaction. ROLE OF MARKETING IN NON TRADITIONAL CONTEXT Stakeholder analysis of Public sector organization Stakeholder Role Interest Influence Facts Expectations CEO administrator high high Demand of complete information and hold Frequent updates and engagement in important tasks and decisions MD manager high high Demand of overall control and monitoring Engagement in special tasks and decisions. PROJECT HEADS Team Leaders high medium Interested in results and not details Resource consumption reports, deadline respect, quality work CUSTOMER SUPPORT Support services medium low For general public issues or complaints Quality services within required timeframe EMPLOYEES workforce medium medium Workforce for execution of tasks Dedicated work as per the directions within budget and time CUSTOMERS End users low Low Stakeholder analysis for voluntary organization Stakeholder Role Interest Influence Facts Expectations MD Manager high high Demand of overall control and monitoring Engagement in main tasks and decisions LEADER Main head high High Voice and face of the organization Every detail, information, result and report handling EMPLOYEES Voluntary workers High medium Workforce for voluntary tasks Long term association with organization VOLUNTEERS OR FOLLOWERS End followers or believers for support High medium Free supporters for social cause Long term association with the voluntary team Relationship of non-profit organizations with customers The sole aims of nonprofit organizations are drifted away from financial gains or economic profits and benefits and can be related to social work or dissemination of some socially important information. For non-profit organizations performing social works, there is a direct and open relationship with the customers so as to enhance their support and interaction (Drucker, 1995) with the organization for charity purposes like orphanages or old age homes. Customers are treated as a part of the voluntary organization with cordial and warm environment. However, on the other hand, the non profit organization related with spreading of a social message have least or no interaction or relationship with the end customers as the main aim is to disseminate information rather than building supportive contacts. To cite examples of both the types of relationship, we will take into consideration, a non profit organization which is closely related with protecting cause of children worldwide and another which is responsible for spreading cancer protection awareness. BICE is an international organization with have a direct relationship with the end clients i.e. volunteers, children, and other organizations in relation with it. Breast Cancer Care is an organization which though is not directly related with the patients but is responsible for spreading awareness and conducting programs for breast cancer in UK. Marketing in public, private and voluntary sector Each of the public, private or voluntary sector have different marketing techniques with different marketing mix targeting different segment of the markets with all-together different purposes. The main aim of private sector companies are to increase the profit by either extending their product range and diversity, by investing in high quality advertisements, having longer operational hours for the marketing team, having plethora of distribution channels like TV or papers or social media etc. Another marketing purpose is to attract new customers or to build up refined form of existing customers. With the public sector, money is not the goal for marketing as it is basically oriented towards use of the entire population for a good cause or general requirements. They do not include specialized or customized products that would require specific advertising or aid of media. Their marketing techniques are supportive or preventive at certain times when it is related with government or such regulatory bodies. Voluntary organizations make marketing as an important tool to highlight their contributions and to appeal to the potential customers to work with their organization. Sometimes, the aim of marketing is to seek for money but that money is focused for charitable cause which is explicitly mentioned in their marketing and distribution mediums or channels. There have been a up rise in competition which have made marketing strategies focused towards customer attraction irrespective of private or voluntary sector but leaving the public sector untouched for a general benefit or holistic target. Issues in marketing of virtual organizations Virtual organizations are formed by collaboration of firms to provide high quality of innovative products and services responding to customers demands. But virtual organizations take upon really challenging and complex forms when it comes to planning of marketing strategies, need of new management and blurring of marketing boundaries. Strategic planning and marketing strategies pose up challenges to effectively define core competencies of the virtual organization. A common vision and a common agreement is quintessential for the partners in the cooperating firms (Kirkman, 2002). The virtual organization needs to have leaders who are able to manage the change and innovate in a manner which is strategically suitable and matching up with the marketing approaches of all the participatory firms and businesses. With almost minimal or no face to face interaction, it is really challenging and difficult to devise common plans which are practically possible and executable. Marketing strategies can be flawed to a great limit due to lack of direct communication among the virtual organization. Moreover, effective supervision is another challenge if the work within the marketing team is not properly delegated. Therefore, marketing department in the virtual organization will face plethora of challenges and issues which can be overcome by online training sessions, open communication and common goal setting. EXTENDED MARKETING MIX Use of extended marketing mix in hospitality industry Extended marketing mix comprises of factors like product, price, promotion, people, place, process, physical environment. By the right use of this marketing mix, the hospitality sector, which can ensure that the right kind of services reach the market at the very right time clubbed up with right promotional strategies to target the market segments. Effective evaluation of this extended marketing mix will actually help the business to remain competitive in the market and extend its share and influence over other rivals. A suitable marketing mix is made up several different ingredients which is truly different for every customer. Hospitality industry specifically relates to marketing mix as the sole purpose of the industry is to provide world class services regardless of other characteristics of the business. Extended marketing mix will add components of people, process and physical environment to the basic conglomerate of product, price, promotion and place to extend the functionaliti es covered in the market analysis so as to give a better and a bigger picture internal to the service industry. A very unique feature for hospitality industry pertaining to marketing mix is that, they have to focus upon pre marketing mix to influence consumers, encounter marketing mix at the point of sales, and post encounter mix to influence customers after service experience. An efficient marketing mix is used for indication of marketing variables used by sales team for targeting specific guests or the marketing segments such as transient, conference, leisure, corporate, groups (Jeong, 1998) etc. Every hotel in hospitality department should have a toolkit of right services and definition of good promotional strategies in an online and offline manner combining it with the right pricing. Product Mix to enhance Customer Value Marketing mix of product is the most important element of the mix to develop effective customer value creation techniques and strategies. This value creation for the customers is for sales growth and sustainability of the business. Other elements of the marketing mix revolves around the product mix strategies. A product marketing mix must be developed focusing over product differentiation which will identify the concept of product positioning and understands the product lifecycle for customer value creation. For meeting up the expectations of the customers, it is required that the product have right and desirable features as demanded and expected. The product mix is the central point of focus for marketing energies. This includes a process to find out techniques to make the product, set up the production line, provide the finance related to the product development (Yoo, 2000), and to critically be concerned about what the product means to the customers. The range of the product may b e diversified, the features of the product might be refined and enhanced, new product line shall be introduced or a product might be repositioned to make it better and more acceptable to the end consumers to form a long term partnership. The offerings by an organization presented by the means of marketing mix (more focused over product factor) are not only the collection of tangible assets or benefits leveraged out of the service industry but something that will provide a meaning and enhance the customers life. Solutions for marketing challenges in hospitality industry The hospitality industry have been faced with abundance of challenges may it be cost management, branding, technology, distribution revolution, social media, marketing segmentation, increased guest sophistication and many such issues. Cost savings for the marketing strategies should be achieved with the help of effective operational strategies to aim at doling right things in a right way to contain the cost within the present techniques. The overlapping of brands due to the concept of franchising have made a single brand competitor of itself. Therefore, there is a need to check the number and quality of franchises distributed for a brand so as to uphold its essence and not imbibe a sense of competition in the brand. The segmentation of market should be done after a thorough analysis and each and every segment must be targeted with some or the other strategy. Customers have become tremendously sophisticated and selective (Victorino, 2005) in the terms of facilities provided in the hot els or motels and hence, lack of a specific recreational requirement may not appeal to the guests being served. The reputation of the hotel is created in the digital space with the help; of feedback and reviews from the clients and therefore, marketing must go online or adopt online mode for offers, coupons, discounts, reservations, feedback and opinions. Business intelligence is being applied along with guest profiling so as to give them best of the experience. Therefore, challenges pertaining to service marketing can be overcome with effective solutions by amalgamating features of guest profiling, social media, branding and many more such domains. Role of IT in financial service marketing management IT plays a pivotal role in processing, storage and accessing of information to improve the service sector and its marketing management by providing innovative solutions of products and for their marketing. Financial and banking sectors have been major and responsible users for ICT utilizing management information softwares, high speed data networks, distributed computing services, relational database management system, open systems etc. ATM services have gone viral in the financial service sector and is a contribution from IT providing various services to the banking customers. Virtual banks is a multimedia technology to bring banks at the doorstep of the customers and is usually termed as Kiosk or customer activated terminal (Nguyen, 1998). Smart phones with programmable microprocessors have led to home banking services to access variety of services from home. Electronic Fund Transfer at Point of Sales have buy now and pay later advantages. Smart cards and credit cards provide numer ous customer benefits. Electronic Data Interchange are used for paperless financial transactions to carry out funds transfer, open credit letters, cash flow management etc. Decision Support System like investment decisions, credit risk appraisal, forecasting loan delinquencies are most promising developments with effective implementation of neural networks for detection of credit card frauds. Image processing technology being a subset of IT can be used for automatic identification or the features of character recognition for scanning of cheques or documents. Therefore, IT have commendable role to play to provide increased services in the marketing management of financial sector including service sector. ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN MARKETING Current ethical and social marketing issues Ethics in marketing have attracted so many reviews as it has become an essential element of marketing. Some of the key ethical issues uprising in marketing are invasion of privacy and some sorts of stereotyping. Ethical issues relate to vulnerable audiences in few of emerging markets or selective markets. Hiding of truth in the advertisements of products and services is a major ethical and moral issue upcoming in marketing process. Sexual innuendo and harassment with various other forms of violence are harmful for advertising aimed for children or adults. There have been inclusion of negative advertising techniques and strategies to highlight the disadvantages of competitors to excel in the field. Direct delivery channels like electronic spam mails (Robin, 1987) or controversial advertisements have pushed ahead the borders of ethical and legal morals. Deceptive marketing taking help of humor is a poignant target for social marketing. Switching and baiting have become prevalent form o f obstacles emerging in marketing scenario. Seven basic ethical and social standards are ruined, violated and degraded leading to bad and immoral code of conduct in marketing. Truth is usually disguised; privacy is invaded in the light of frauds; showcase of negative and inappropriate behavior; offensive marketing and advertising; unfair and imbalanced strategies; historic or sexual stereotyping; exposing negativities to children and much more. Marketing with all the ethical and social violations have become evil because of various pitfalls. Corporate Social Responsibility in healthcare industry Corporate Social Responsibility is a key to long term success of the company as it highlights the human face of a business by correctly aligning the values and ethics of a business to match them up with the needs and expectations of the customers. CSR must become a part of the corporate DNA of the business as it includes various issues like sourcing, governance, environment management, labor standards, social equity, human rights, stakeholder engagement etc. Healthcare companies must lay special focus on the needs of the community, workplace and marketplace to plan successful CSR programs to provide competitive advantage to business. CSR will help the healthcare industries to elaborate over the ethical and social issues to enhance stakeholder engagement. Utilization of a holistic CSR program will contribute in getting license to operate in a sustainable manner. There will be efficient utilization of resources resulting into substantial cost savings. CSR plans also helps in building u p reputation of the business along with enhanced level of patient loyalty contributing towards overall growth. CSR should be made an industry norm in the healthcare sector to make the industry ethically sound and socially responsible. The morale of the employees and trust of the customers will help in attracting the quality customers to boost social, financial, economic and environmental performance (Leisinger, 2005) of the sector. There will be responsible competitiveness and would be able to attract the financial incentives provided by the government. Role of volunteer pressure group for influencing ethical and social marketing policies in tourism industry Volunteer pressure group in tourism industry have major focus over modulating the policies pertaining to ethical and social marketing. Volunteer tourists lay much focus over the ethical and social policies adopted by the business or tourism group as the sole motive of volunteer tourism is based over social work including ethical and moral values. Volunteer group will primarily influence the tourism companies to include volunteerism as a social cause in their code of ethics and adopt ethical marketing techniques to make the volunteer tourism famous and widespread among the target marketing segments. Marketing practices must be targeted towards social cause as it is the main essence of this pressure group. Volunteer tourism influences the tourism industry in a positive way as it enforces rules and regulations of marketing principles throughout the business. This pressure group will have an impact over the entire tourism industry in enforcing ethical and social marketing strategies so a s to gain a competitive advantage and gain a large customer base with this contemporary trend in tourism industry. Marketing for tourism must comply with certain laws of truth, ethics, morals, strategies and guidelines. Role of Media in influencing ethical and social marketing The media industry is an important stakeholder in published or broadcast specialization to deliver content and information either in a direct way or an indirect form. The role of media is exemplary in shaping the consumers attitude towards the organization which is complying by the ethical and social standards of marketing. Media plays a role in software companies to maintain ethical environment within the organization. Media plays a major role in providing bulk of information in both the ways i.e. incoming to the organization and outgoing from the organization. Blogs, brochures, newsfeed, reviews, feedback, newspapers, internet, television, radio and many such mediums disseminate information and allows the software companies to periodically monitor their code of ethics and implement those within the organizational culture. Media is the catalyst to shape the opinion of the company (Christians, 1987) and its consumers towards adoption of ethical practices concerned with marketing scen ario. Broadcast media acts as an asset in marketing mix as it is an integral part of advertisement for the software companies to reach a broader mass in remote regions and ensure the consumers that the company do follow ethical standards as set by the government. Media is fundamentally revolutionizing the nature of ethics in a way of socializing and highlighting the important internal facts of the software business. Social marketing policies are also modulated by broadcast media as published and broadcast media cannot be completely ignored as a major form of communication because it reaches more audience than conventional new media. References 1. Rowley, J. 2004, Partnering paradigms? Knowledge management and relationship marketing,Industrial Management Data Systems, 104, no. 2, pp. 149-157. 2. Arnett, D. B., Badrinarayanan, V. 2005, Enhancing Customer-NeedsDriven CRM Strategies: Core Selling Teams, Knowledge Management Competence, and Relationship Marketing Competence,Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management, 25, no. 4, pp. 329-343. 3. Jayachandran, S., Sharma, S., Kaufman, P., Raman, P. 2005, The role of relational information processes and technology use in customer relationship management,Journal of Marketing, 69, no. 4, pp. 177-192. 4. Cuthbertson, R., Laine, A. 2004, The role of CRM within retail loyalty marketing,Journal of targeting, measurement and analysis for marketing, 12, no. 3, pp. 290-304. 5. Liu, H. Y. 2007, Development of a framework for customer relationship management (CRM) in the banking industry,International Journal of Management, 24, no. 1, pp. 15. 6. Drucker, P. F., Drucker, P. F. 1995,Managing the non-profit organization: Practices and principles, Taylor Francis. 7. Kirkman, B. L., Rosen, B., Gibson, C. B., Tesluk, P. E., McPherson, S. O. 2002, Five challenges to virtual team success: Lessons from Sabre, Inc., The Academy of Management Executive, 16, no. 3, pp. 67-79. 8. Jeong, M., Oh, H. 1998, Quality function deployment: An extended framework for service quality and customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 17, no. 4, pp. 375-390. 9. Yoo, B., Donthu, N., Lee, S. 2000, An examination of selected marketing mix elements and brand equity, Journal of the academy of marketing science, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 195-211. 10. Victorino, L., Verma, R., Plaschka, G., Dev, C. 2005, Service innovation and customer choices in the hospitality industry,Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 15, no. 6, pp. 555-576. 11. Nguyen, N., LeBlanc, G. 1998, The mediating role of corporate image on customers' retention decisions: an investigation in financial services, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 16, no. 2, pp. 52-65. 12. Robin, D. P., Reidenbach, R. E. 1987, Social responsibility, ethics, and marketing strategy: closing the gap between concept and application,The Journal of Marketing, pp. 44-58. 13. Leisinger, K. M. 2005, The corporate social responsibility of the pharmaceutical industry: idealism without illusion and realism without resignation,Business Ethics Quarterly, pp. 577-594. 14. Christians, C. G., Fackler, M., ROTZOLL, K. 1987,Media ethics, New York.