Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ebusiness And Bank Of America Essay

In the world where technological aspects are booming, it could be fairly deduced that some of the communications and even transactions could be addressed through the internet. One of such idea is the concept where banking could be made available anytime, anywhere with just a simple click. Ideally, this notion is amendable to the changes bit it could not be avoided that this advancement would not go questioned. In this particular paper then, the concept of e-Business would then be reviewed along with the discussion of the bank of America as one of the establishment who had tried to adopt such change in banking style. In the e-Business system, it could be seen that the main players are the computer, the internet connection, and the website where a person could have a transaction with (â€Å"The Complete Guide About Advanced eBusiness Systems,† 2007). It was said that the provider of the e-business system would make it possible for the business partners and the clients to be able to communicate and transact any business. It would then be possible to have web-based orders or it would then be possible to have a simple way in communicating with customers (â€Å"Comergent eBusiness System,† 2006). It would be seen that these kinds of systems has a way of protecting those who would venture into a progressive step. Given that there are numerous people who are also gifted in the workings of technology, the main concern that a person might have is the protection and security of the things that they are keeping. As could be known, these kinds of systems would have to be protected at the same be able to accommodate the needs of the people who are interested in having these kinds of systems. One of the most talked issues is the ethical issues that e-business might have on the customers as well as the legalities it may entail and the necessary regulations needed. One of the main concern when it comes to the ethical issue is the problem of fraud and scams (Warholic, 2007). This issue then would concern the authenticity of an e-business site especially when there are still untrustworthy people who are still trapping innocent victims. The other issue is on the legalities where a system is copy write and protected would mean that a client could have a certain degree of guarantee that what would be written had been carefully put especially when plenty of people could be able to read what would be posted in the internet (Warholic, 2007). Another is the regulatory problems that might occur. When these things happen, there is always the case of intellectual property theft. It would be known that a person seeking to publish that site or what was written in the site should gain the permission first of the owner of the site (Warholic, 2007). Now the Bank of America had upgraded its transactions by extending it to the internet. It could be seen then that the bank provides different programs that may come from different states of the country. The upgrade then to e-business would then have to mean that the services that they offer could be accessed by anyone. The ethical implication of this is that they have certain reassurances that their website is not part of the people who are scheming to get the innocent. In fact, a client’s profile could not be seen by just anyone but the company itself. Upon visiting the security and policies that the bank has in their website, it could be seen that they have tried to appease the customers or clients with the nagging uncertainty of safety. The security then would come out through the handling of the cookies and also that the profile that would be passed by the client would not be seen by others. This certain confidentiality is highly essential when a person has to submit a password and a profile for the transactions. If a person would just care to read the policies and regulations that are needed to be followed, I would not think that a person could get wrong in trusting the company in some degree. In addressing international issues, Bank of America also has a certain research devoted for some parts of the world where they could reach out to do business with. As a caution then, a person must carefully read the copyright laws and regulations especially when this could protect you, as a customer, and the company or business that you are interested in.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Oman Air Essay

Oman Air, the flagship company of the Sultanate of Oman’s Civil Aviation sector, commenced operations in 1993. Starting off as a regional player, Oman Air, as Oman’s national carrier has witnessed rapid growth since the time it was established. Oman Air has played a major role in making Muscat a major traffic hub in the Middle East providing a fillip to commercial, industrial and tourism activities. The history of the establishment of Oman Air to 1981, where it began flights actually in 1993, and we all know that the company emerged as a result of the integration that has occurred between the two companies, â€Å"Gulf Air for light aircraft† and â€Å"Oman International Services†, and later form the Oman Aviation Services â€Å"Oman Air. † As a full-fledged commercial airline of Oman, Oman Air has striven to maintain high performance standards in all aspects of its operation. The Oman International Services was established in the year 1970 & later Oman Aviation Services was founded on 1981 to extend services to the other airlines in terms of cargo handling, ground handling etc. The Oman Air fleet consists of most modern and fuel- efficient aircraft with aesthetically designed interiors. Ultra- modern in-flight service equipment is deployed onboard to improve safety and overall performance. Investment in new technology, planning and product innovation has propelled Oman Air to the forefront of the aviation industry. At Oman Air, we strive hard to enhance our products in terms of convenience, efficiency and service so that flying with us is consistently an enjoyable experience. Achieving and maintaining internationally recognized standards of quality and safety is a continuous and uncompromising process in every department of Oman Air. Strong of the company We can say that the company has a many strong points as following: Destinations Covered Oman Air currently operates direct international flights to major Gulf destinations such as Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Doha, Dubai, Al-Ain, Jeddah, Dammam, Kuwait and Riyadh from Muscat. The airline also flies to ten destinations in India – Mumbai, Chennai, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Hyderabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Bangalore, Kozhikode and Jaipur. Chittagong in Bangladesh, Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad in Pakistan, Male in the Maldives, Colombo in Sri Lanka, Kathmandu in Nepal, Bangkok in Thailand, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, Dar Es Salaam and Zanzibar in Tanzania. Oman Air also flies to Cairo in Egypt, Beirut in Lebanon, Amman in Jordan, Tehran in Iran, London in the UK, Frankfurt and Munich in Germany, Paris in France and Milan in Italy. The airline operates domestic flights from Muscat to Salalah and Khasab. To each one of the destinations that it covers, Oman Air lends a distinct touch of its legendary traditions of hospitality. At Home in the Air – With Oman Air On all international flights of Oman air their offer on-board Duty – Free shopping facility, enabling passengers to choose from a select, world-class range of quality merchandise. A detailed list of products available can be found in the in-flight Duty – Free catalogue. New planes Today Oman Air stands tall with a list of achievements to its credit. It is the first airline in the Gulf to introduce the brand new Boeing NG 737 aircraft series. Their safety record is a matter of pride. Oman Air has excellent on-time performance – OTP exceeding 95% and is striving to better its track record, in times ahead. Oman Air, poised to enter the next phase of modern aviation, in the new millennium with confidence and pride!

Thursday, August 29, 2019


It is about difference, and its value is the richness and variety that different people bring to society. There are so many ways in which people differ from each other. Examples are: Appearance-ability Gender-Talent Race-Beliefs Culture Equality: -Promotion of individual rights. It is about treating people fairly, regardless of their differences by ensuring that they have access to the same life opportunities as everyone else. People have equal opportunities as everyone else.People have equal opportunities for everything. Examples: -Equal wages for the employees with same qualification, experience doing the same job. Bonus is fixed according to proper performance based measurements. Inclusion: It is about ensuring that there are no barriers that would exclude people or make it difficult for them to fully participate in society. People must be included in all aspects of life, not excluded from some of them because of an illness or disability. Example: – Providing a ramp to give wheelchair access too building. -Providing information in a range of languages and in audio format.Discrimination: Discriminate people on the grounds of age, gender, race, sexuality or ability can damage persons self esteem and reduce their ability to develop and maintain a sense of identity. When people are affected by discrimination they experience anger, humiliation, frustration and a feeling of hopelessness. They are made to feel worthless and at less value than others. Examples When weekly menus are being planned at a day centre, if no account is taken of the religious and cultural needs of people, you should challenge this and suggest changes.When individuals are affected by discrimination, they experience anger, humiliation, frustration and a feeling of hopelessness. They are made to feel worthless and of less value than others. Their families could feel the impact experienced by the individuals. Families could feel that they are treated in the same way as others and would f eel that they do not live in a equal society. Wider society the discomfort, awkwardness, lost opportunities. This feeling could be reflected in various unhappy events in a society. It can include certain revolts and non participation in public responsibilities.Those who discriminate will have the side effects of false superiority, and may be ashamed if challenged. Promoting active participation- Active participation allows individual to realize their value and reduce isolation in such a way that an individual can gain self esteem which helps to reduce any form of abuse and discrimination. Quick and effective complaint procedure-Quick, serious, and effective complaint procedure helps to let individual to know that how seriously the act has taken and the consequences of discrimination and it restrains people to engage.Meetings and discussion: It helps to increase awareness and carefulness to discriminatory acts. Discussion and exercising this issue in day to day talks will help indivi dual to challenge discrimination. Task B A social care worker must follow the legislation and cod of practice. There are so many Acts for the diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination. They are: Equal pay Act 1970 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Race relation Act 1976 Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005 Employment Equality Regulation 2006 Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 Equality Act 2006Every social care worker must have a right to follow the legislation and code of practice. If we do not comply with any of the above laws, we can be answerable ICQ and it can lead to eventual disciplinary action and suspension from the place of work. C Inclusive practice means supporting diversity by accepting to welcome people's differences and promote equality by ensuring equal opportunities for all. In health care sector we demonstrate inclusive practice by recognizing respect, value and make most of all, aspects of diversity.Through share decision making, effective immunization and promoting dignity and respect, giving choices and rights are the ways of promoting equality. It is important to be aware about diversity, equality and inclusion. We can raise awareness by advertising in notice board. Another way to raise awareness is to attend courses to increase the knowledge and awareness. Task C Each and every person has different personal preferences, attitudes, heritage and beliefs. It may vary from person to person and depends upon the culture of the people.The fact that I am an Indian my personal beliefs about food, culture, marriage ND religion will be different compared with a person brought up in I-J. I think that it is difficult to compare someone brought up in India with someone brought up in I-J. Still I am looking after the people in I-J and I am working in a care sector. I have to recognize and respect people's beliefs and preferences. My work setting should be a place in which diversity and differences are acknowledged and respected. One of the h ardest things is to acknowledge our own prejudices and how they affect what we do at work.Prejudices are a result of our own beliefs and values and may often come into conflict with work situations. There is nothing wrong with having our beliefs and values. Everyone has beliefs and values and they play a vital role in what I am. I must be aware of them and how they may affect what I do at work. Exploring our own behavior is never easy and you need good support from either you supervisor or close friends to do it. You may be upset by what you find out about someone of our attitudes but knowing about them and acknowledging them is the first step of doing something about them.As a care worker it will be easier to make ere that you are practicing effectively with regular reviews. The confidence at work can be explicit in your own practices and attitudes. Once we are aware of our own beliefs and values and have recognized how important they are, we must be ready to accept the beliefs and values of others. The people we work with are different and so it is important to recognize and accept the diversity. We have to make sure that we always respond to people in a respectful way which ensures that they are valued. We need to understand what happens when people are not valued or respected.It is also important that we recognize the ways in which good practice helps to protect people from discrimination and exclusion. People should make choices about how they want to live their lives. Promoting equality and right is supported by the practical steps that we can take in day to day working activities to give people more choices and opportunities to take decisions about their own lives. Respecting people and valuing them as individuals is always going to be an important factor in promoting self esteem and well being. We have to make sure that our practice is inclusive and follow the policies and procedures of a care home.The national occupational standards define active supp ort as working in a way that recognizes people have the right to take part in the activities and relationships of every day life as independently as they can. It supports them by helping with what they really manage to do themselves. We have to remember that we get regular feed back from people we support, colleagues as well as from our supervisor. Inclusive practices are varied, but broadly it is about ensuring that there are no arises that would exclude people or make it difficult for them to fully participate in society.People must be included in all aspects of life not excluded from some of them because of an illness or disability. Inclusive practice is about providing the support that people want in order to live their lives as fully as possible. Examples of inclusive practices Providing a ramp to give wheelchair access to a building. Providing information in a range of languages and in audio format. Overall practicing in an inclusive way means constantly asking what changes ne ed to e done so that a particular person can participate and then doing whatever is within our areas of responsibility to make those changes happen.When we follow inclusive practice we have to follow the laws, national standards and code of practice, guidelines and polices. Now we have to understand that control to take decision is in the hands of people who are using the support services and they must be able to make choices about how, when and what level they want to be active participants in society. My nursing home arranged a day trip to Kendal for shopping and we could not take students who were using wheel chair because our trip was in a mini bus which cannot access wheelchair users.So it was a discrimination of wheelchair users. Actually we had to plan early for the trip and arrange facility to wheel chair access. We had planned a trip to visit a museum and we could not take a category of people with disabilities (dementia) due to the fact that it was situated where we could not take them. We had promised that we would take them for the trip. I think that it was a discriminatory practice. We could have found a place where everyone would have Discrimination It is about difference, and its value is the richness and variety that different people bring to society. There are so many ways in which people differ from each other. Examples are: Appearance-ability Gender-Talent Race-Beliefs Culture Equality: -Promotion of individual rights. It is about treating people fairly, regardless of their differences by ensuring that they have access to the same life opportunities as everyone else. People have equal opportunities as everyone else.People have equal opportunities for everything. Examples: -Equal wages for the employees with same qualification, experience doing the same job. Bonus is fixed according to proper performance based measurements. Inclusion: It is about ensuring that there are no barriers that would exclude people or make it difficult for them to fully participate in society. People must be included in all aspects of life, not excluded from some of them because of an illness or disability. Example: – Providing a ramp to give wheelchair access too building. -Providing information in a range of languages and in audio format.Discrimination: Discriminate people on the grounds of age, gender, race, sexuality or ability can damage persons self esteem and reduce their ability to develop and maintain a sense of identity. When people are affected by discrimination they experience anger, humiliation, frustration and a feeling of hopelessness. They are made to feel worthless and at less value than others. Examples When weekly menus are being planned at a day centre, if no account is taken of the religious and cultural needs of people, you should challenge this and suggest changes.When individuals are affected by discrimination, they experience anger, humiliation, frustration and a feeling of hopelessness. They are made to feel worthless and of less value than others. Their families could feel the impact experienced by the individuals. Families could feel that they are treated in the same way as others and would f eel that they do not live in a equal society. Wider society the discomfort, awkwardness, lost opportunities. This feeling could be reflected in various unhappy events in a society. It can include certain revolts and non participation in public responsibilities.Those who discriminate will have the side effects of false superiority, and may be ashamed if challenged. Promoting active participation- Active participation allows individual to realize their value and reduce isolation in such a way that an individual can gain self esteem which helps to reduce any form of abuse and discrimination. Quick and effective complaint procedure-Quick, serious, and effective complaint procedure helps to let individual to know that how seriously the act has taken and the consequences of discrimination and it restrains people to engage.Meetings and discussion: It helps to increase awareness and carefulness to discriminatory acts. Discussion and exercising this issue in day to day talks will help indivi dual to challenge discrimination. Task B A social care worker must follow the legislation and cod of practice. There are so many Acts for the diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination. They are: Equal pay Act 1970 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Race relation Act 1976 Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005 Employment Equality Regulation 2006 Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 Equality Act 2006Every social care worker must have a right to follow the legislation and code of practice. If we do not comply with any of the above laws, we can be answerable ICQ and it can lead to eventual disciplinary action and suspension from the place of work. C Inclusive practice means supporting diversity by accepting to welcome people's differences and promote equality by ensuring equal opportunities for all. In health care sector we demonstrate inclusive practice by recognizing respect, value and make most of all, aspects of diversity.Through share decision making, effective immunization and promoting dignity and respect, giving choices and rights are the ways of promoting equality. It is important to be aware about diversity, equality and inclusion. We can raise awareness by advertising in notice board. Another way to raise awareness is to attend courses to increase the knowledge and awareness. Task C Each and every person has different personal preferences, attitudes, heritage and beliefs. It may vary from person to person and depends upon the culture of the people.The fact that I am an Indian my personal beliefs about food, culture, marriage ND religion will be different compared with a person brought up in I-J. I think that it is difficult to compare someone brought up in India with someone brought up in I-J. Still I am looking after the people in I-J and I am working in a care sector. I have to recognize and respect people's beliefs and preferences. My work setting should be a place in which diversity and differences are acknowledged and respected. One of the h ardest things is to acknowledge our own prejudices and how they affect what we do at work.Prejudices are a result of our own beliefs and values and may often come into conflict with work situations. There is nothing wrong with having our beliefs and values. Everyone has beliefs and values and they play a vital role in what I am. I must be aware of them and how they may affect what I do at work. Exploring our own behavior is never easy and you need good support from either you supervisor or close friends to do it. You may be upset by what you find out about someone of our attitudes but knowing about them and acknowledging them is the first step of doing something about them.As a care worker it will be easier to make ere that you are practicing effectively with regular reviews. The confidence at work can be explicit in your own practices and attitudes. Once we are aware of our own beliefs and values and have recognized how important they are, we must be ready to accept the beliefs and values of others. The people we work with are different and so it is important to recognize and accept the diversity. We have to make sure that we always respond to people in a respectful way which ensures that they are valued. We need to understand what happens when people are not valued or respected.It is also important that we recognize the ways in which good practice helps to protect people from discrimination and exclusion. People should make choices about how they want to live their lives. Promoting equality and right is supported by the practical steps that we can take in day to day working activities to give people more choices and opportunities to take decisions about their own lives. Respecting people and valuing them as individuals is always going to be an important factor in promoting self esteem and well being. We have to make sure that our practice is inclusive and follow the policies and procedures of a care home.The national occupational standards define active supp ort as working in a way that recognizes people have the right to take part in the activities and relationships of every day life as independently as they can. It supports them by helping with what they really manage to do themselves. We have to remember that we get regular feed back from people we support, colleagues as well as from our supervisor. Inclusive practices are varied, but broadly it is about ensuring that there are no arises that would exclude people or make it difficult for them to fully participate in society.People must be included in all aspects of life not excluded from some of them because of an illness or disability. Inclusive practice is about providing the support that people want in order to live their lives as fully as possible. Examples of inclusive practices Providing a ramp to give wheelchair access to a building. Providing information in a range of languages and in audio format. Overall practicing in an inclusive way means constantly asking what changes ne ed to e done so that a particular person can participate and then doing whatever is within our areas of responsibility to make those changes happen.When we follow inclusive practice we have to follow the laws, national standards and code of practice, guidelines and polices. Now we have to understand that control to take decision is in the hands of people who are using the support services and they must be able to make choices about how, when and what level they want to be active participants in society. My nursing home arranged a day trip to Kendal for shopping and we could not take students who were using wheel chair because our trip was in a mini bus which cannot access wheelchair users.So it was a discrimination of wheelchair users. Actually we had to plan early for the trip and arrange facility to wheel chair access. We had planned a trip to visit a museum and we could not take a category of people with disabilities (dementia) due to the fact that it was situated where we could not take them. We had promised that we would take them for the trip. I think that it was a discriminatory practice. We could have found a place where everyone would have

Pick one of three topics about Modern Europe history Essay

Pick one of three topics about Modern Europe history - Essay Example The French revolution took place within the period 1789 and 1799 in Europe history and is the most active politically and socially with upheavals. The participants majorly included country liberals and radicals with a common agenda to take the country to the next governance stage (Voices from the battle of the Somme, 1990). In my view, the events shaped the history of Europe positively and brought into the minds of many people demand democracies and republican as opposed to theocracies and absolute monarchies. The revolution was full of warlike activities and global conflicts, which stretched the Caribbean towards the Middle East. It marked an imperative change phase for the entire Europe continent (sieyes, 1998). The unity among citizens of a nation and the spirit to fight for a country was evident in the Napoleonic war where Emperor Napoleon in the French empire led to marked series of coveted conflicts against many powers and coalitions in the continent Europe. The European armies were the immediate reformed agents from the war. The use of mass conscription was the major idea adopted across the Europe nation played by the Napoleon armies. It strengthened the governance of French across most Europe nations. It is recorded that out of a total more than 50 battles; Napoleon only lost less than 10 battles (Walter, 1992). Other leaders have regarded the determination in the mind of the ruler as paramount in many nations when they rely upon military defense. Marking the end of the rule was the waterloo defeat. Arms and battles do not safeguard countries in my view better yet the events under the rule helped to strengthen belief and attachment to their countries by fighting for it. The unification of Italy and Germany was probably the foundation of modern nationalism. The year 1848 was a rest from the upheavals that swept across Europe where the liberals and nationalists who participated in the events took a new turn by

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Benefits of the Legalization of Marijuana in Colorodo and Research Paper

The Benefits of the Legalization of Marijuana in Colorodo and Washinton state - Research Paper Example The legalization of marijuana means that there will be no more arrests that will be made to people either found using or in possession of the drug. Under the new Colorados law, residents who are beyond 21 years of age can possess, produce, sell and use up to an ounce of the drug at any given time. The law has had an immense and measurable effect to the colored people in Colorado where racial disparities regarding marijuana use and possession arrests have been questionable. Police in Colorado have been arresting blacks three times more than the whites. The arrests have been questionable since the whites have higher rates of using the drug than the colored residents. According to the NAACP, the legalization will alleviate the biased arrests. The blacks make 11% of Colorado’s population, but for every three Marijuana related arrests made, one must be a black person. The arrests have long-lasting and devastating effects. The arrests records affect an individual’s chances of getting a job, loans, housing, and other public benefits. People with Marijuana arrest records are demoted to the second class status. With the legalization of Marijuana, such arrests are stopped making life easy for all residents (Franklin 4). Legalizing the use of marijuana solves the problems associated with the illicit market. Marijuana users will shift to purchasing the drug from regulated stores. Violence originating from street corner trades will cease as the markets will be replaced with well-guarded stores having security and surveillance systems. Consumers now get clear information of what they are buying instead of getting whatever that is wrapped up in a baggie. The consumers will now have the benefit of choosing of what they want from a wide variety of the product depending on the price and the quality they want. The prices of the drug will respond like those of other products depending on supply and demand. The

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

International Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

International Marketing - Assignment Example The success of companies in the highly competitive global market depends on the ability to connect and communicate across various markets. With this requirement, the company needs to acquire relevant linguistic skills, which will enable them to market the products in foreign markets (Hutson, Sinkovics & Berrill, 2011). In addition to the linguistic capability, the companies need to acquire skills on technological advancements that are applicable across the target foreign markets. In this way, the professionals are able to strategize on the suitable technological application that they use for presenting their ideas and products in foreign markets. Consequently, the company needs to employ factory managers with the ability to assess, understand and design processes and systems that support automated manufacturing. With this technique, a company increases the efficiency and quality of its production lines. Besides, with automated manufacturing, the company produces homogenous products that enable the equality of consumers across borders. On the other hand, entrepreneurship is a skill that each company requires to survive in the global world. This involves the skill to design newer strategies, with the ability to take opportunities that arise in the market. It also allows the business to grow extensively. Communication problems arise whenever a company diversifies its operation from the original founding location. With the expanding business world, the workforce in many companies is intellectually vast, spanning a variety of cultural backgrounds as well as wide geographical locations. This addresses the need for effective communication skills amongst the employees and employers, in order to attain the common objective of a firm (Hutson, Sinkovics & Berrill, 2011). It is important for people to learn the basic cultural diversity that hinders effective communication. This problem occurs in most companies, which do not understand the

Monday, August 26, 2019

How do men and women use language differently Research Paper

How do men and women use language differently - Research Paper Example â€Å"Men grow up in a world in which a conversation is often a contest, either to achieve the upper hand or to prevent other people from pushing them around whereas women often speak for confirmation and support† The male domination in the society is often cited as major the reason for which males and females use language differently. Women in normal cases, use more polite words than men. Men always try to stamp their authority and they often use bold words to dominate over others. On the other hand women use soft words because of their inferior status in the society. Women and men have different purposes in a communication process and they use language based on the purpose. For example, men usually use language as a status symbol and to dominate over others whereas women often seek support and they use polite words. â€Å"Women tend to use more standard forms of English whereas men tend to use less standard forms of English†(Women language, n. d). The intentions of wo men and men in a conversation are different. Women often work for social cohesion and they do not like conflicts in the society. So they use only formal languages in order to avoid clashes. Women are normally peace loving people. On the other hand, men often use language to assert their dominance in a group which is hierarchically formed. In other words, men often like the company of people who are ready to accept their views and opinion. For example, drug addicts or alcohol addicts often like to have the company of similar people whereas nonalcoholic people will never like the company of alcoholic people.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Islamic Teachings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Islamic Teachings - Essay Example Islam being a diverse religious, has crossed many cultural boundaries where people of various regions have been influenced by its doctrines and rituals and have adapted it to their specific contexts (Bassiri, 1997, p. 43). Islam, is a religion of peace that promotes equality and justice to humanity, and unlike what it is perceived in many cultures as 'a religion of spirituality', Islam has no room for the spiritual dimension. In fact, Islam teaches discipline and a balance in worldly affairs and believes in rationality. This has been the major distinction to what Islam is and what it is perceived in many countries, particularly Islam in South Asia. Similarly, the problem also arises with the discrimination factor of the religion. Koran says, to be one nation, believe in one God and do not discriminate. This notion is never followed, because there are two main sects in this religion, 'Sunnis' and 'Shiites'. Thus, the problem between Islamic teachings and practice is that it varies according to different cultural perceptions and practice. Such variation also occurs for the reason that since Koran is in Arabic, Muslims, who are unaware of Arabic language, often make a distinction between the Koran and a translation of the Koran. This variation has always been considered normal for the main teachings that Muslims are aware of, are commonly practiced in every region and culture. However, difference lies in their interpretation, due to distinct cultures and variations in practices. Translations into the local languages of the Islamic world, are not independent books, but rather interlinear commentaries on the meaning of the text and aids to make the teachings of Islam more simpler to understand. Islam - a monotheist religion recognizes the significance of correct practice, as this is what makes people Muslims and that, for most people, correct belief rests upon correct practice (Murata & Chittick, 1994, p. 9). This study centers around how Islam entered into cultural settings, and how it is perceived and to what extent the teachings are variated in countries like United States, Britain, Middle East, India and Pakistan, along with comparisons from Christianity and Judaism. To what degree Islamic teachings as perceived in various cultural settings contrast with other and what are the ways to assess the interaction between Muslims and non-Muslims communities Islam in the United States and Great Britain Islam in the U.S and UK reflects not only the values and particularities of indigenous cultures of the West, but also of almost all the Islamic communities of the world. By the turn of the fifteenth century, Muslims throughout the peninsula were forced to choose among the unfortunate alternatives of conversion to Christianity, emigration, or death. Many who chose the first, continued to practice their faith in secret, maintaining a hidden conclave of Islam for centuries. Others, when tried openly to rebel suffered through expulsion from the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Do Freshmen Students need RAs at Miami University Term Paper

Do Freshmen Students need RAs at Miami University - Term Paper Example The decision by Miami University to have RAs on campus is very important. A wide range of services provided by RAs help in creating a supportive environment for freshmen, many of whom are away from home for the first time Office of Residence Life ( Office of Residence Life, 2015). The RAs have been helpful in serving the residents as well as granting them a certain level of independence at the same time. It is evident that RAs have been great sources of advice and campus resources to new students that may otherwise be unable to acquire the same resources. RAs serve this purpose most importantly by being friendly and relatable as well as by serving as peer advisors for fellow students. They have organized and transformed halls of residence thereby eliminating confusion and surprise among new students, and instead increased comfort and satisfaction of campus life among residents. The effectiveness of RAs at the University is evident through their ability to deal with conflicting situat ions in halls of residence as well as helping green freshmen to understand university activities. Therefore, the decision of having RAs in halls of residence should be embraced across all higher learning institutions to promote smooth and friendly transition process among freshmen students. The following interviews with two freshmen at the university confirmed the role and importance of RAs in helping freshmen students attain smooth transition process to college life. Kayla: E-mail Address:

Friday, August 23, 2019

Global Perspectives on Innovation and Creativity Essay

Global Perspectives on Innovation and Creativity - Essay Example From this paper highlight that the products created by EMC are sold to customers that use a variety of computing platforms and key applications. The market target for this company is the global 2000, mid ten market and service providers. VMware is a technology firm that has enabled multiple operating systems. Some of the systems include, the MICROSOFT WINDOWS, LINUX and NETWARE. It also provided virtual infrastructure software for industry standard Intel based servers as above. The software’s performed a variety of services which included evaluation, deployment and implementation of disaster recovery. This paper discusses that the adoption of the VMware software’s in the EMC Company would allow enterprise customers to improve their server utilization rates and dynamically allocate work load across multiple services. This is because the VMware software has more potential therefore the integration with the EMC will lead to greater innovations. The main question that the essay is portraying whether the EMC Corporation should integrate with the VMW. The paper basically examines the importance of adopting the centralised system of management, the advantages and disadvantages that come with it. How resources can be allocated in a centralised organization. The central tenet of organization theory holds that the structures systems and process of a firm should be independent and must be mutually supportive and coherent. It therefore emphasizes on the need of the EMC Corporation to merge its operations with VMware. Furthermore it is proposed that the organization that is pursuing innovation, which in this case is the EMC, development of software’s should acquire a mode of supporting organizational structure. In this case, the centralized system will be settled upon.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Authorship of the book of Ruth Essay Example for Free

Authorship of the book of Ruth Essay The book of Ruth has been historically claimed to be written by the prophet Samuel. It dates back to the 1011 and 931 B. C. It was a message of the love of God directly to the Israelites. With the main theme of sacrifice, it was essential for them at that time to hear such words of love. In the heathen land of Moab, located North of the Dead Sea, Ruth is resides for a period of time and them moves further into the town of Bethlehem, during the era of the judges which occurred directly after the Pentateuch books which are the first five biblical books. Ruth was the daughter-in-law of Naomi and Elimelech, who were an Israelite couple with two sons. Mahlon and Chilion were their names and both married Ruth and Orpah. Sadly, all three men in the family died, firstly Elimelech and then later on his two sons, leaving three widowed women. The actual period is not actually stated. However, most scholars have attributed its authorship to the pre-exilic era; the period after the enslaved Israelites were freed and permitted to return back to their homeland of Israel. As a historical book of the Bible and an excellent piece of literature, it has challenged the conception of the era and the norms of the periods as recording the attitudes and conducts between people. It demonstrated tremendous practicality and dealt with serious relational issues and we can learn a lot from it today. Its authorship is unknown. It clearly begins by alluding to the period of the judges and it is perceived by some to have been written around that time. The prophet Samuel has been given the credit for its authorship by many scholars. In recent times however, there have been speculations as to the real author of this book. It has been recognised as having been written by a female author. According to an ancient Beraithato the Talmudic treatise it stated that the prophet Samuel did write the book of Ruth. As it is does not provide strong evidence concerning the authorship, several authors in recent times have refuted the prophet Samuel as the actual author of this phenomenal book. Does it really matter whether it was written by a male or female author? This has been a question in the minds of many because in its entirety, the content of the book is very positive and has a lot of moral, social and legal coverage, which has provided a lot of insight into the way the Israelites interacted amongst themselves as well as among foreign nations, like the Moabites. In this essay, various perspectives of scholars will be addressed and references to the actual text will also be made to support and refute arguments which have been put forth by various intellectual minds. In a recent book entitled the Widow’s plea, a group of authors cited a number of key points about the book of Ruth. Central to their arguments were factors that provided an insight to the gender identity of the author. Firstly, they referred to a deliberate attempt by the author to strengthen the plight of widowed women in this book, by the avoidance of dealing with the Leveriate marriage, a popular custom that existed during that period. Lawson Younger in made inference to this point by referring to the book ‘Three Shekels’ by H Shanks: The inscription is puzzling. According to the law of levirate marriage, a man must marry his brother’s widow if his brother died childless (see Deuteronomy 25:5–6). Why wasn’t the husband’s brother, who had already received the wheat ? eld in Nacamah, required to do his duty by marrying his brother’s widow? Alas, the ostracon does not tell us(p 32) The laws relating to marriage and redemption were strongly intertwined and since it was not completely applicable in this case because Ruth did not marry her direct next of kin, these scholars have speculated that it might have been authored by a female. Furthermore, H Avolos backed this argument by purporting the deliberate exclusion in this case. (Avolos 616) In an attempt to further prove this point Young referred to various Hebrew texts and phrases used to give a better view point. For instance, the use of the words ‘Amah’ and ‘siphah were used at different times, suggestive of various points regarding the nocturnal influence of Ruth in Chapter 3:9. This is what he noted: Amah seems to be used to emphasize a slave’s feminine qualities (need for protect weakness, sexual attractiveness, etc. ), while siphah seems to be used when the female is viewed as a possession and a laborer. 41 Both terms can be used as self-designations. When it is used this way, amah appears to suggest a female petitioner’s weakness and need for help or protection when presenting a request before a more powerful male, never before another female. When siphah is used as a self-designation of obeisance, it seems to signify the woman’s subservience and readiness to serve or obey instructions. (p127) With the usage of the term amah, despite the fact that she was a labourer or indirectly in servitude, she was still able to realize her feminity even in hardship. It was suggestive of her need for protection and dependency on the one who is stronger than herself, especially when requesting a favour from an influential male figure. This point alludes to the kind of writing by a male author, realizing the need of the woman for protection and a bulwark. The usage of the term siphah suggested the readiness of the woman to adhere to instructions from the male and obey and to do is bidding. In both cases, there is a strong suggestion of a male authorship based on this viewpoint. Further Hebrew terms used indicate more usage of feminine forms of verbs. For instance, the word hyrja, meaning ‘them’ was used to refer to bodies of individuals. Its frequent usage indicated that the author made reference to a wide range of people who were female. Perhaps this could have been suggestive of a male author appreciating the role of the women or in actual fact, a woman who sought to enhance the role of the female in that era? The Feminist Companion of the Bible addressed several points that alluded to an obvious female authorship. (pg 34) It was argued that this book presented various points which gave credence to the importance of women in the Holy Bible. For instance, several women were identified who played excellent roles in biblical event, including Deborah, Dorcas, Esther and Miriam just to mention a few. It was also admitted that there were also major indications to the book of Ruth being authored by a male because of its superscription, just as the case was in other books like the book of Ecclesiastes. An interesting point to note was that there was a chance that although it may not have been written by a woman, the male author certainly had a profound respect for women and valued their contribution to the society. Interestingly, this book under the ‘Unconventional Life Partnership, Women Do Go Unconventional Ways’ heading also referred to the instruction by Naomi to Ruth, to use her natural female charm to win the heart of Boaz. (Athalya 29). This could very well have been a masculine viewpoint, in the sense that Naomi did recognize that Ruth needed a man in her life and hence was giving her advise on how to make Boaz notice her. During that period, it was generally expected that the women realized that they were being prepared for marriage at some stage and it would have been the role of an experienced woman like Naomi to share this with Ruth. This is a very feminine disposition which could have been expressed by the author. In the second chapter of the book of Ruth, she was portrayed as a hardworking lady who went to ‘glean with the reapers’. In Hebrew, the word ‘reapers’ refers to masculinity. Hence, irrespective of this fact, she was able to go and work with the men, gathering enough food supply for herself and for Naomi. As a matter of fact, it was emphasized that she worked through to the period of harvest. By so doing, she was able to gather more than sufficient rations to tend to the needs of a whole family. This was a progressive woman who knew that it was essential that she managed the home front successfully. In other words, she was a traditional homemaker – the major role of the woman. A female author would not have put this point any better. In his comparative study of the book of Ruth, Younger suggested that to a large extent, it seemed that a woman’s economic well-being was directly related to her link with some male. (p 129) From a feminine perspective it could be argued that this exhibited self-reliance and independence of the woman. On the contrary, there is also the aspect of the masculinity portrayed. The head of the reaper, when approached by Boaz who had not yet met Ruth at the time to ask about who she was, the reaper made excuses on her behalf, as she was a foreigner ( a Moabite girl) who did not the customs and modest requirements of the women of Israel. This impled that she was gleaning with the wrong set of people, in other words, the men. Hence, when Boaz eventually spoke to her, he advised her to glean with the girls or young ladies (Chapter 2:8). This was indicative of the male dominance and belief in the distinct and separate roles of the woman and the man. The geneological account in Chapter Four included women in it and this has made people suggest its female authorship. It was uncommon to have women included in the genelogical chronology. Especially in this instant, this geneology led all the way down to David, from whom the expected lineage of the Messiah was from. The character of Boaz was one of a generous and extremely loving individual. He saw the needs of Ruth and Naomi and took the necessary steps to ensure their happiness. By so doing, he tremendously brought a lot of benefits to himself. Eventually, he got married to Ruth. His numerous character traits are worthy of further study. Ruth was described as a virtuous woman. From the beginning of the book, she displayed loyalty and love, even to its end. When Naomi was bereaved of three members of her family including her husband and sons, Ruth did not seek out her own gain but decided to remain with Naomi, always. It took superhuman power to make such a profound statement in Chapter 1:16, entreating Naomi to let her (Ruth) remain with her. There was nothing that Naomi had to offer her. Both her sons were now dead, including the husband of Ruth. As was pointed out by Naomi, she had nothing to offer Ruth. Notwithstanding, Ruth made a selfless commitment to stand by Ruth, through times of sorrow and happiness. Naomi was a wise lady whose experience was of great benefit to Boaz and Ruth. In essence, she took the practical steps to facilitate their union. In all three characters, excellent themes of relational interactions have been displayed. Humility, sacrificial love, generousity and empathy just to mention a few, are required in everyday dealings with people. Regardless of the authorship, these character traits spread across boundaries and are pertinent in dealing with practical real-life matters. Especially today, these attitudes are still required and go along way in boosting human interactions. Works Cited Brenner, A. The feminist companion to the Bible (Second Series) Sheffield Academic Press Avalos, H. Legal and Social Institutions, 616 Malick, D. An Argument of the Book of Ruth from http://www. bible. org/page. php? page_id=952 Shanks, H. (1997). Three Shekels pg 32. Younger, K. L. (1998). Two Comparative Notes on the Book of Ruth. Trinity International University

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Sherlock Holmes Essay Example for Free

The Sherlock Holmes Essay The other story being The Red Headed League where Holmes and Watson were on the hunt for finding the mysterious Duncan Ross, who had formed the Red-Headed League, who disappeared a few weeks after Jabez Wilson had spent his days there writing encyclopaedias, in the end turning out that Ross was digging a tunnel from Wilsons shop and , disguised as John Clay , broke into the bank but was caught by Holmes Sherlock Holmes had sprung out and seized the intruder by the collar Its no use John Clay, said Holmes blandly; you have no chance at all. I think the Detective Fiction writers use themes like deceit or greed because it connects to everybody in the worlds life because we all lie to our friends or family, or we can relate to greed because we all use it one time or another in life. To sum up the themes that you can notice in Conan Doyles stories can be classed as nothing above what we all see and know in the Detective Genre, and Conan Doyle doesnt use the themes to make Sherlock Holmes stand out from what we read today but instead uses it to connect to the roots of detective fiction. In the Detective Genre the characters are one of the most important things, if the character is unique and stands out so will the story. But if all the characters in one story has the same attitude, intelligence or even the way they speak, the story would lose interest to the reader because their would probably be no motive for anything to happen in the story. In the stories Conan Doyle wrote the characters were always original in personality and features, and how he uses them tends to differ in the way he uses them than other detective stories, for example the villain is used differently in every story a lot more ways than any other writer does. An example of this is Dr. Roylott from The Speckled Band being a large, rough man thats almost obnoxious and talks like See that you keep yourself out of my grip. Also with a close opposite to Holmes attitude, as in this quote You are Holmes the meddler. My friend smiled. Holmes the busybody. His smile broadened. Holmes the Scotland Yard jack-in-office. From this we can tell that Holmes mocks Roylott for his opposite and aggressive behaviour. Another quote that shows Roylotts rage is He stepped swiftly forward, seized the poker, and bent it into a curve with his huge hands. This shows that Dr. Roylott results to his anger and strength to sort problems. From this we can also see the difference between his aggressive natures to Professor Moriartys more mature and relaxed nature in the way he was described in The Final Problem. I think the characteristics in the Detective Genre is vital to the plot and how it unfolds, and in the case of Sherlock Holmes and the way that the villains separate from the clients or the way the clients behave in different ways to each other, these are the way that Conan Doyle created that makes Sherlock Holmes unique and the reason why his stories are so popular today. In the Detective Genre the narrative is always important, and the best always depends on where the narrative comes from. For the story to be surprising and for the reader to keep interest, you need the narrative to come from a character in the story with a roughly close intelligence to the average reader, otherwise if the narrating character was too stupid it would be impossible to get to get the plot of the story, however if the narrator was too clever, then their ideas would be explained to us and cause confusion with the plot or spoil the end all together. Thats why in Sherlock Holmes, Watson is the perfect host for a narration because for most for the time he is with Holmes and the action, but since he is as smart as the average reader, and he doesnt give the plot away and leaves our minds and imagination to figure it out for our selves. However not all narratives have to come from a persons point-of-view, but in His Last Bow the narrative wasnt from a person but instead had a free roam of the whole scene between Von Bark and a disguised Sherlock Holmes, which I thought was a better effect than the others because unlike a story in the Detective Genre, we didnt get any clues and because we werent listening to Watsons thoughts we was able to see Holmes skills when he is in disguise. It is common for the detective to speak intelligently and have the brains to match in Detective Fiction, and is also common in this genre for the detective to pay attention to tiny detail, an example of this is when Holmes observes Helen Stoner in The Speckled Band when he says No, but I observe the second half of a return ticket in the palm of your left glove which, as any other detective, he uses in his conclusion of her journey here. You must have started early, and yet you had a good drive in a dog-cart, along heavy roads, before you arrived at the station. From this you can tell the overall intelligence Conan Doyle had whist writing his stories and the mind he had progressed onto Holmes and the stories really show how wise he is, and this, in most ways this makes him stand out even more than the other theories I have that separate him from the Detective Genre. In conclusion to the paragraphs, the Sherlock Holmes stories to typify the Detective Genre, but it is the fact that Conan Doyle had a mind far greater than the other detective writers, he dared to go beyond than any other detective writer did and disobey the commandments of a Detective Genre story, because of this the Sherlock Holmes novels were made more powerful whether due to the descriptive settings, the original but far fetched characters, even its completely powerful narrative, they all are the reasons why the stories Conan Doyle wrote are classed far beyond the average story in any genre and placed in the worlds most loved novels of all times. To what extent do the Sherlock Holmes stories youve studied typify the genre of Detective Fiction? 1 By Matthew Lomax Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

Conceptual Art as a Break From Conventions

Conceptual Art as a Break From Conventions Discuss arguments for and against the view that Conceptual Art should be regarded not simply as a break with previous conventions of visual art, but as a category of art with reference to specific works from the period 1965-75. Conceptual Art has become the term given to works intended to convey an idea or concept to the perceiver, in the spirit of resistance to traditional materialist views of art works as precious commodities. Conceptual Art was first recognised as a movement in the 1960s. Art objects were rejected entirely, and replaced by analysis concepts. A new intellectualism was sweeping through the art world, and art objects alone were no longer enough, a meaning was suddenly imperative. Conceptual Art is so dependent upon its supporting text that the original point of creative work sometimes appears to have been entirely subsumed in textual exegesis. The question is to what degree works with so little of art about them can still be named, or understood, as art. And if we cannot understand them as art, how are we to understand them? Frieds 1967 essay Art and Objecthood will form the backbone of this essay. The seminal and highly controversial work was a kind of riposte to Judd and Morris, who he decried as literalists, coining the term to describe attitudes in opposition to his abstractionist interpretation of Modernism. For Fried, its theatricality has always represented a symptom of the decadence of literalist works of art, a decadence which establishes a staged relationship between object and beholder. The theatricality that so bothered Fried incorporated not only a regrettably mimetic space, but a mimetic time, too. Fried preferences a kind of Modernism that is more authentically abstract: insisting Modern artworks should be abstracted from pretence, from time and from a sense of object. The publication of Frieds essay brought to light to divisions within the Modernist tradition, and seemed to indicate that the heart of these divisions lay in the philosophical conflicts between Idealism and Materialism. SoFrieds dislike of the term Minimal Art or Conceptual Art has caused him to rename it Literalist Art. He points out that the ambition of Judd and his contemporaries is to escape the constraints of painting: the restrictions imposed by the limitations of the canvas. Composition and the effort to createa pictorial illusion are never, according to Fried, quite convincing enough, quite original enough, to be satisfying. Donald Judd explained the problem: Whenyou start relating parts, in the first place, youre assuming you have a vague whole- the rectangle of the canvas- and definite parts, which is all screwed up, because you should have a definite whole and maybe no parts According to Fried and his school, painting is doomed to failure, but perhaps some resolution will arrive with the introduction of a new dimension. He pronounced conceptual (literalist) art as something novel, a category of modern art for all those barely representative works that required a literary back up. In practice, the new dimension brings with it a new focus on the relationships within the work. Judd refers to the relational character of his sculptures as their anthropomorphism, speaking of the correspondence between the spaces he creates, and both Judd and Morris are concerned with unity, completeness, creating a perfect shape capable of overwhelming the fragmentary components. In many ways nothing has physically changed in sculpture since the 1960s. There seems to be a constant effort to relate parts in Catherine de Monchauxs recent sculpture, although her work, unlike Judds, is more obviously and shameless anthropomorphic in its forms. Her structures appear to be based on the human body, and her titles are like the titles of poems or fairytales. Wandering about in the future, looking forward to the past is virtually surrealist, it seems arbitrary to call this minimalist when the emphasis is notclearly on objects declaring the status of their existence, but instead on some fantasy story. Never Forget seems to be about memories, the past, things being opened up, revealed and mapped out in a symmetrical and rather beautifulway. Both these works are concerned with the impossible project of re-membering, putting things back together from their parts- and the contrast with Judd is clear- to the extent that they are about parts being reassembled into an ideal wh ole, de Monchauxs sculptures are more like paintings. In many ways, her work resembles Carl Andres- particularly his Venus Forge. The viewers experience of the work will obviously depend on whether the work is perceived as an object or a subject. This repeats the problem of categorizing conceptual art. From the objects perspective, a new category of art has been created through Conceptualism, situating it in a new historical milieu. From the viewpoint of the subjective viewer, perhaps, such categories are irrelevant, but even the layman must be aware of a mute subject matter hinting at a break in convention, thus placing new emphasis on meaning. In Frieds conception, the art object becomes animated and serves the holistic aspiration of the artist. But the art works subjectivity does not elevate the artist- they have created an object capable of representing itself, and, like Frankenstein observing his monster, are themselves both the observers and observed. If Hesse is, as her diaries suggest, a woman observing herself, then she has an immediate affinity with Judd. Both artists are engaged in a project of self-replication, where sculpture is an extension of themselves- something projected into space, imbued with some kind of life, in the words of Chav and Fried, written into existence. Frieds idea can be read as gender-neutral, but the phallocentric commentaries of feminist writers such as Camille Paglia Hesses feminist works can be read with a melancholic tone of a woman conscious of and raging about a sexual debt -but they do not have to be. Paglia finds male and female equality in Eastern religious traditions: cultures built around ongoing horizontal natural rhythms, unlike the western male preoccupation with vertical climax. Hesses interest in the body is, in Paglias terms.chthonic- she claimed she wanted to keep her work in the ugly zone, her work defined by Stallybrass as all orifices and symbolic filth physical needs and pleasures of the sexual organs. So while Hesse works almost unconsciously asa woman, in the most natural and inevitable way finding affinity with the dirty reality of natural processes, she does not necessarily work with an agenda to liberate women- at least not through the symbolism she employs. She is not seeking illusory freedom in creating an alternative heterocosm through sculpture- she is merely expressing what is going on inside her, writing the body. Paglias vision of the wholeness of femininity is irresistibly connected to Frieds emphasis on shape, what secures the wholeness of the object is the singleness of the shape. In order for a work to qualify as a painting it must, Fried says, hold a shape. Without form, it is experienced as an object. Modernist paintings mission was to stave off accusations of objecthood, and to retain shape-character- persona. Minimalist (literalist, Conceptual) art, on the other hand, embraces its objecthood and strains to project it at every opportunity. It is not concerned about movements or history, social context orcategorization merely with the emphatic declaration of its authentic self;its materials; its construction. Conceptual art, for Fried, is a new genre of theatre and includes the beholder. However, a new genre of theatre, to the extent that theatre is an art, reinforces the idea that Fried is declaring conceptual art as a whole new category of art. I have chosen Hesse as an example, because her work spans a period of decades leading up to the present, and it is important to frame our question in its historical context. Watching how conceptual art has (or rather, has not) changed in nature over the past forty years informs our judgement of its impact. Hesse has always experimented with conceptual work, and Frieds theory holds true for her there is certainly something implacably theatrical about this artists sculpture, the in-jokes, the sexual punning, the scale. There is also an inescapable recurrence of the void as a symbol. While its tempting to class all holes as signifiers of feminine anxiety or unsatisfaction, it may not always be terribly helpful. Hang Up, for example, is not even a r eal empty canvas- its been beautifully painted, just all in one colour. It lurches out at us with its alien grayness, the passage of time and its monocrome simplicity lending it an amateur dramatics eeriness, this is no painting. It is a textbook example of Frieds notion of theatrical sculpture, and an example so clearly handmade that it recalls other hand crafted artworks, and by extension a dozen other women artists- and raises the point that perhaps Frieds theatricality theory is extraordinarily effective with female artists after all. It certainly helps to spin the boys club character of 60s minimalism- if craft and animation invokes the feminine and can be imposed or unveiled in the most surprising places, due to a theory, then this theory must have some value as a gender-leveling power. Simplifying the way an object is understood Fried does, abstracting the meaning from the object then returning it to it, makes gendered readings impossible. Fried allows art works to proclaim t heir own meaning, but less esoteric critics, perhaps more Marxistones such as T.J Clarke, never returned the meaning to the art object: the objecthood in itself was nothing without context. It is these historicist art critics who see all art as abstracted until contextualized who believe conceptual art is the most extreme and intolerable form of abstraction, and who believe it represents a slightly troublesome break from convention but nothing that cannot be subdued with some thorough historical context. Conclusion For many, the term Conceptual Art, like Modernism,suggests more of an attitude than a category with strictly defined limits. Minimalism might have been the last great modernist movement, 1973 the year modernism died and post-modernism ushered in, but none of this really helps us to understand how to read art, or why certain kinds of objects are made in certain ways. Ultimately, labelling art as a new category seldom teaches us much more than how to label art. As one commentator stated (of music), Just because something sounds crunchy and angular doesnt mean it is modern. Yet in one sense he is wrong modern, like conceptual is a term that can be applied according to individual interpretation, the subject/object problemagain. There is a strong case for the argument that conceptual art was tagged retroactively by supporters of the literary elite imposition of meaning on abstract works, but there is a more intuitive one still that suggests all artis open to classification as conceptual, nullifying the movement as a historicist ploy and returning power to the viewer. Even Frieds extraordinary theories are somehow conceptual as he asks us to read all art objects through the filter of a vocabulary of objecthood. Similarly which argument one chooses to follow up is, of course, a subjective matter. Bibliography Cooper H. (cat)Eva Hesse: a Retrospective, Yale, London (1992) Gaiger, P. Frameworks for Modern Art (Art of the Twentieth Century Yale University Press, US (2004) Fried, M. Art and Objecthood University of Chicago Press, US (1998) Harrison C. and Wood P., (eds) Art in Theory 1900-1990, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, Oxford(1992) Lippard, L. Six Years: The Dematerialisation of the object, University of CaliforniaPress, California (1997) Lippard, L. Eva Hesse de Capo Press, New York, (1992) Paglia, C. Sexual Personae Yale University Press, London (1990) Perry, Gill. Difference and Excess in Contemporary Art: The Visibility of Womens Practice (Art History Special Issues) Blackwell, London (2004) Serota, N. (ed) Donald Judd Tate Publishing, London (2004) Wood, P. Varieties of Modernism (Art of the 20th Century) Yale University Press,London (2005) [i]Paglia, C. Sexual Personnae p.47

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Essay --

There are a lot of women suffering from different types of prolapses with uterine being one of the most common and they do not seek medical attention due to being embarrassed or just scared. It is somewhat considered taboo and isn’t spoken of as often as say, having a hysterectomy or other female conditions. Most women are unaware of the symptoms and therefore don’t seek medical attention before it becomes a more serious issue that will most likely require surgery to fix. The definition of uterine prolapse is the uterus gradually descends into the vagina and often times takes the upper portions of the vagina with it. Most often a prolapse is caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles and ligaments. It can present at any stage but often comes in three distinct stages. Once it descends into the vagina walls it can continue to descend until it actually protrudes out of the vagina entrance. In the 1st degree the cervix is still inside the vagina. In the 2nd degree the cervix appears outside the vagina opening and the labia can become irritated and ulcerative. In the 3rd degree there is a complete prolapse outside of the body and it can contain the bladder, uterus and rectum. This condition is sometimes called a complete procidentia. It can be caused by a multitude of reasons. Multiple vaginal births, having larger babies, excessive straining from constipation, heavy lifting or being overweight, weak pelvic floor muscles due to lack of use, aging or going through menopause. Although uterine prolapse can happen to anyone at any age, it’s most common in women who have gone through menopause and for many of the reasons stated above. Some of the symptoms of pelvic floor organ prolapse are: havin... ...ith prolapsed organs. Maintaining a healthy diet to include lots of fruits and vegetables and fiber is the best way to prevent constipation as well as drinking plenty of fluids. It has been recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces every day to maintain a healthy inner eco system. Drinking plenty of water helps maintain balance of hormones, bowel functions and cellular health. Other preventive measures can be taken when heavy lifting is required, be sure to used legs when lifting heavy objects or while working out. Proper lifting techniques will also prevent other injuries. By maintaining a healthy weight you will also prevent undue pressure on lower pelvic floor muscles. By practicing good prevention techniques not only will the pelvic floor be in good health but the rest of the body will benefit as well. Here’s to pelvic floor health! W/C 1184

Monday, August 19, 2019

Euthanasia Essay -- essays research papers fc

Do We Have The Right To Die? Goldfarb, Jennifer ENC 1102 Mrs. Cartright   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In October of 1939, Louis Repouille chloroformed his thirteen-year-old son described as â€Å"an incurable imbecile.† The boy was deformed and mute since birth and therefor bedridden. Due to a brain tumor, he became blind. Two months afterward, the father was found guilty of manslaughter in the second degree. No man or woman can honestly say that this boy should have stayed alive to suffer inevitably or that his father should have sanely watched him. Euthanasia is the right for any human being who is terminally ill to find the means to end his or her life. Mentally stable adults, who are deathly ill, have a right to die.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Euthanasia has been practiced throughout time and in many cultures. When an elderly Aymara Indian of Bolivia becomes terminally ill, relatives and friends are summoned to the home of the death vigil. The family will withhold food and drink until the dying person slips into unconsciousness and dies. In Eskimo cultures, an old or sick Eskimo tells his family when he is ready to die and the family will immediately comply by abandoning the aged person to the ravages of nature or by killing him themselves. Aged Ethiopians allowed themselves to be tied to wild bulls. The natives of Amboyna, ate their failing relatives out of charity. Congolese jumped on the tired and old until their life was gone. In Athens, magistrates kept a supply of poison for anyone who wished to die. Aiding death was often done out of respect for an ill person. (Humphrey, 2)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Christianity, on the other hand, suicide was denounced. Anyone who took his or her own life was denied a Christian burial. With a reaffirmation of Greek and Roman values, the concept of an easy death gradually came to be regarded once again. What distinguished the sixteenth century attitude toward suicide from that of the Middle Ages was a reawakened interest in individualism. (Humphrey, 8)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the eighteenth century, Paradys, a physician, wrote â€Å"Oratio de Euthanasia.† He recommended an â€Å"easy death† for a patient who is incurable and suffering. In 1777, a year after his death, David Hume’s essay, â€Å"Of Suicide† was published. He wrote, â€Å"when life has become a burden both courage and prudence should engage us... ...g the Right to Die, â€Å" Time, April 15, 1996, p.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  82 (Sirs Researcher, 1996) McMahon, Patrick, â€Å"Oregon Reports 8 Suicides Under New Law,† USA   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today, August 19, 1997, p. 6A Moore, Francis D., â€Å"Prolonging Life,† Permitting Life To End,† Harvard   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Magazine, July/August 1995, pp. 46-51 (Sirs Researcher, 1996) Nichols, Mark, â€Å"Dying By Choice,† Macleans, May 20, 1996, pp. 47-48 â€Å"Right To Die,† Ethics, Pasadena: Salem Press, Inc., 1995, Volume 3, p.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  754 Rosellini, Lynn, â€Å"The Final Struggle of Jamie Butcher,† US News & World   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Report, November 7, 1994, p. 67 Suhr, Jim, â€Å"Dr. Jack Kevorkian Charged With Murder,† Associated Press, November 24,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1998 Stout, David, â€Å"20 Years: People,† The New York Times, November 17,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1996, p. 13NJ (The New York Times Ondisc) Tahmincioglu, Eve, he Cost of Dying,† News Journal, July 10, 1994, p. A1 Weinstein, Henry, â€Å"Assisted Deaths Ruled Legal,† Los Angeles Times,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  March 7, 1996, p. 1A (Sirs Researcher, 1996)

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Priest Celibacy :: essays research papers

Fundamentalist attacks on priestly celibacy come in a number of different forms—not all compatible with one another. There is almost no other subject about which so many different confusions exist. The first and most basic confusion is thinking of priestly celibacy as a dogma or doctrine—a central and irreformable part of the faith, believed by Catholics to come from Jesus and the apostles. Thus some Fundamentalists make a great deal of a biblical reference to Peter’s mother-in-law (Mark 1:30), apparently supposing that, if Catholics only knew that Peter had been married, they would be unable to regard him as the first pope. Again, Fundamentalist time lines of "Catholic inventions" (a popular literary form) assign "mandatory priestly celibacy" to this or that year in Church history, as if prior to this requirement the Church could not have been Catholic. These Fundamentalists are often surprised to learn that even today celibacy is not the rule for all Catholic priests. In fact, for Eastern Rite Catholics, married priests are the norm, just as they are for Orthodox and Oriental Christians. Even in the Eastern churches, though, there have always been some restrictions on marriage and ordination. Although married men may become priests, unmarried priests may not marry, and married priests, if widowed, may not remarry. Moreover, there is an ancient Eastern discipline of choosing bishops from the ranks of the celibate monks, so their bishops are all unmarried. The tradition in the Western or Latin-Rite Church has been for priests as well as bishops to take vows of celibacy, a rule that has been firmly in place since the early Middle Ages. Even today, though, exceptions are made. For example, there are married Latin-Rite priests who are converts from Lutheranism and Episcopalianism. As these variations and exceptions indicate, priestly celibacy is not an unchangeable dogma but a disciplinary rule. The fact that Peter was married is no more contrary to the Catholic faith than the fact that the pastor of the nearest Maronite Catholic church is married. Is Marriage Mandatory? Another, quite different Fundamentalist confusion is the notion that celibacy is unbiblical, or even "unnatural." Every man, it is claimed, must obey the biblical injunction to "Be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 1:28); and Paul commands that "each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband" (1 Cor. 7:2). It is even argued that celibacy somehow "causes," or at least correlates with higher incidence of, illicit sexual behavior or perversion.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Collage essay Essay

My name is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. and I am looking forward to graduate this year. As a senior I have already decided what I want to do after graduating high school. I want to major in computer science in order to be a computer programmer. I choose George Mason University as my collage because it has the right kind of classes which will help me to become a successful computer programmer. Since my childhood days, I always had an interest on computers and I always wanted to learn more programs and features. Every time when new software and programs came out, I got really excited and used to save money to purchase the software. My cousin who is also a computer programmer inspires me to go in this field till this day. My dream job is to be a computer programmer which involves the act of designing, writing, testing, debugging and maintaining software programs of computers. Along with this, a person has to analyze tasks for programs, plan and organize programs, write instructions in programming language, conduct trial runs for programs and consult with superiors for the effective use of program software. Programmers spend most of their time in front of computers, typing information and thinking about new and innovative ways to design programs. A computer programmer can earn up to $110,000 annually or even more for senior programmers and independent consultants whereas the starting salary can be $40,000. Programming is very important and it impacts human lives because without the proper programming people cannot run complex medical equipment, advanced computer systems in airplanes, weather forecasting and many more advanced systems. Currently I am taking one computer class in school which is programming. In my junior year I took two computer classes: Webpage development and Information systems. Taking these classes will be helpful to me when I get into the university. I am also planning to take other related subjects in programming outside of school during summer. Also during my spare time, I usually go up online and research about my career. I have to work much harder than now while studying in the university. If I get good grades, hopefully, I will be able to find a good internship where I can prove myself. I will gain many valuable working skills while I am an intern which will help me in the job industry. I am also ready to work irregular and long hours if I get a job in this field. As I love travelling, travelling different places to help my clients would not be a problem to me. I love the challenges present in this field and I will also be able to make people’s life easier by developing new programs to help people in their work. The only concern regarding my career is that advanced computers are developing every day. Till the time I find a job, the knowledge that I have gained may not be useful in that time. So, I will also be taking various programming classes from time to time to update my knowledge regarding software and programming. . I hope that attending GMU and setting my career as a Computer Programmer will be a right decision for me.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Why Go to College

Why did you choose to come to college? Education is the most important part of one’s life. Not everyone goes to college right after high school. College is not intended for everyone. For example, some people decide to work right after high school. College is expensive and some may even say it is hard. However, college is not a bad thing it has some good qualities. For instance, it can be a time where students can venture out and meet new people. Like others, I, too have some reason why I choose to go to college. Such as, to better myself, higher paying jobs and get away from home. First, after high school may people do not consider going to college for whatever reasons one might have. Not going to college was not an option for me. However, my parents never went to college, and watching my mom struggle to make ends meet I just knew that I did not want that to be me. Therefore, I do not want to live my life, paycheck to paycheck, and worrying about weather or not I am going to have enough money to pay to keep a roof over my head. The reason for going to college is that I wanted to have a better life. Not everyone can go to college to better themselves, but I am lucky, and truly blessed that I am getting a opportunity to better myself. In fact, college is extremely important to me. I am the first one in my immediate family to go to college so it is a big deal to everyone that I not just go but to also graduate. Next, going to college not only helps me better my life but gives me more job opportunity. More and more jobs require more than a high school education. A person with a bachelor’s degree will earn, on average, almost twice as much as workers with a high school diploma. Master’s degree earn $31,900 more per year than a high school graduate. Furthermore, people who go to a two year college earns $250,000 more than someone who does not. More importantly, a college education can help you discover new areas of knowledge, consider life long goals and make wiser decisions. Getting a college education is an investment that is going to be with me for life.

Areas Of Feasibility

Also additional members of employee will be hired for the better arrive; trainings Of staff are necessity for the future tourist goers in Mat. Pico De Lord. To ensure the safety and wellness of each tourist Wanderlust Sojourners will help Mat. Pico De Core to recruit well-trained staff that are capable in giving better quality of services. Following are in line for refinement of service at Mat. Pico De Lord: Proposed Operational Hours: 6:00 AM- Opening hours 4:00 PM- Closing hours Overnight can be done as long as following restriction is being followed such as: 1.Potential hikers can climb the mountain for the allowable closing hours ND go down with the permitted opening hours 2. Weather is also to consider whenever potential hikers would like to do overnight. For the following restriction are to be followed well-trained staff should be hired. Security personnel, trained Tour Guides, and Registrars personnel. Wanderlust Sojourners can make a better Operational system in Mat. Pico De Lord such as; Improvement on accuracy and efficiency of sales, reservations, and accounting of revenues, Improvement of operational efficiency (elimination of repetitive tasks, current information readily accessible).Improvement of guest service (accurate and fast dissemination of guest information) Resources In order for the Mat. Pico De Lord to accommodate the changes it will need additional help to restructure. Since Mat. Pico De Core is a government owned the participation of National and Local Government unit will be a great factor, in need for the management and financing so the proposed project can be effectively executed. Most especially the local government, in the moment the project will gain its profits the Local will be the first hand to get the benefits of the project.Private sectors and Voluntary sponsored are also welcome. For the Government and private sectors to work together both must agreed upon through a variety of mechanisms including contracts and concessions. Marketing For the Mat. Pico De Lord to be well known, Wanderlust Sojourners will design a marketing Strategy that would help Mat. Pico De Core gained potential tourist. Wanderlust Sojourners Will make Mat. Pico De Lord as natural environment with a potential to build a recreational and adventurous experience to its potential tourist. Mat.Pico De Core would also endorse a rare opportunity to the community around it. It will revivalist the industry where in the community will benefit. Mat. Pico De Lord could facilitate coordination and make assistance to the community. While there is widespread public interest I preserving the area's natural and cultural values. Wanderlust Sojourners will arrange a Marketing Strategy that will promote Mat. Pico De Lord. Wanderlust Sojourners will make Market Development wherein identifying and developing new market segment for current products (market expansion).Wanderlust Sojourners will also use Service Development treated for the modification of se rvices offered. Diversification strategy will also likely to be use through acquiring business outside the site and Mat. Pico De Lord services offered. Use of Social Media (faceable, twitter, instating, and creating official weeping for Mat. Pico De Lord) and Prints Ads (newspaper and magazines) are to be done for the intense promotion of Mat. Pico De Lord to gain more potential tourist. With all of this Marketing Services Wanderlust Sojourners will help Mat. Pico De Lord to target and promote to the right tourists.Market Research The market areas would be defined based on distance from the site. Demographic characteristics for the resident market would be analyzed to provide an indication of support.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Motivating and Rewarding Employee Performance

Motivating and Rewarding Employee Performance *Mars Model A model that outlines the four factors that influence an employee’s voluntary behavior and resulting preformance. The motivation,ability,role perceptions and situational factors. *Motivation The forces within a person that affects his or her direction,intensity,and persistence of voluntary behavior. *Ability Consists of both the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to succesfully complete a task. Role Perceptions Employees who feel engaged in their jobs not only have the necessary motivation and competencies to perform their work but also understand the specific tasks assigned to them. *Situational Factors Include conditions beyond the employees immediate control that constrain or facilitate his or her behavior and performances. Motivating Employee: A Three-Part Process Part 1: Managing Motivation through Drives and Needs *Drives Instinctive tendencies to seek particular goals or maintain internal stabili ty. Needs Mostly conscious deficiencies that energize or trigger behaviors to satisfy your needs. *Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory A motivation theory of needs arranged in a hierarchy,whereby people are motivated to fulfill a higher need as a lower one becomes gratified. Four-Drive Theory A motivation theory based on the innate drives to acquire,bond,learn and defend that incorporates both emotions and rationality. *Drive to Acquire This is to seek,take,control and retain o bjects and personal experiences. Drive to Bond This is to drive to form social relationship and develop mutual caring and commitments w/ others. *Drive to Learn This is to drive to satisfy our curiosity,to know and understand ourselves and the environment around us. *Drive to Defend This drive creates a â€Å"fight-or-flight† response in the face of personal danger. Part 2: Managing Motivation through Goals,Expectations and Feedback *Goal Setting and Feedback The process of motivating employees and clarifying their role perceptions by establishing performance objectives. Prepared by:Harieth Velasco

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Jeffrey Skilling Essay

In 1975 Jeffrey Skilling received his B. S. from Southern Methodist University in applied science, and in 1979 received his M. B. A. from Harvard. He was hired by McKinsey & Company as a consultant and in 1987 began working with Enron to help create a forward market in natural gas (wikipedia. org). Ken Lay hired Skilling in 1990 as chairman and chief executive officer of Enron Finance Corp. and in 1991 he became the Chairman of Enron Gas Services Co. Also, he was appointed CEO/managing director of Enron Capital & Trade Resources. Skilling was promoted to second highest position in the company, president and chief operating officer in 1979. By pushing an aggressive investment strategy, Skilling helped Enron to become the biggest wholesaler of gas and electricity (biography. com). On February 12, 2001 he was named the new CEO of Enron, replacing Ken Lay. Later in 2001, during the energy crisis in California; Skilling resigned on August 14 and shortly after he sold off large blocks of his shares of Enron. Enron declared bankruptcy in December 2001. The Federal Bureau of Investigations indicted Skilling on 35 charges, which he pleaded not guilty on February 19, 2004(wikipedia. org). His trial began on January 30, 2006 and lasted four months. On May 25, 2006 he was found guilty on one count of conspiracy, one count of insider trading, five counts of making false statements to auditors, and twelve counts of securities fraud; and not guilty on nine counts of insider trading(wikipedia. org). October 23, 2006 Skilling was sentenced to 24 years and 4 months in a federal prison and was fined 45 million dollars. Skilling began serving his prison term on December 13, 2006 at a low security federal prison in Littleton, Colorado. His release date is scheduled for February 21, 2028 according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Burberry Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Burberry - Case Study Example However, in 2005, General Universal Stores divested their stake in 2005. The current CEO of the group is Angela Ahredts, who replaced Rose Marie Bravo. (Burberry Official Website, 2010) From its inception, the brand has experienced massive growth and now owns thousand of outlets and franchises throughout England. The company specializes in menwear, womenwear, childrenwear and non-apparel garments. Out of these, the largest share of its revenue comes from womenwear. Burberry is also a household name in the international market. This feat was achieved with the recent trend of globalization and this is where the company pays most attention. The company has no distinctive mission statement. However, reading on from their annual reports it can be seen that the company wants to maximize its revenues in order to increase the business profitability. This is what the entire team and the management of Burberry plc works for and for many years now. In order to achieve their mission of maximizing revenue the company is trying to streamline their operations by moving towards focused collection. Although, this is a generic term but it implies that the company is moving toward more balanced collection in terms of design, style and quality. The company is doing this through constant innovation strategies. They have increased the frequency of new designs coming to retail outlets. The brand also aims to achieve its objective by increasing productivity, streamlining store operations, by adopting a policy of quick expansion and by making use of the latest technology to make their operations more and more efficient. (Burberry Annual Reports of 2008, 2009) From our discussion about Burberry plc Group, we can see that it has been doing brilliantly since its inception. However, in the recent years, the firm is facing some challenges in the form of recession and fierce competition in the industry due to entry of a lot of new firm in this market to cater the needs of the consumer. In the next part of this report, we are going to look at some of the strategies that Burberry has adopted to counter these challenges. Burberry has been greatly affected by the ongoing recessionary phase in which we find global economy in. Economic recession has affected Burberry indirectly in an adverse way. As a result of economic recession, people's purchasing power has been deteriorating and now they have to think twice when buying a luxury item like Burberry. As a result of this, Burberry's profits are fast falling and irked the top management of the company for sometimes now. One example of how Burberry is been affected by continuing recession can be seen in the Burberry Group's income statement for the year which shows a profit of 99.8m as compared to 170.9m that were earned a year before. This was decline of approximately 41%. This shows how badly the firm is affected by the current recessionary wave that the world is experiencing. Another thing that worries Burberry's management is the structure of supply-chain of the company. The company finds that in few of the firm's product categories, it relies on small number of supplier. As a result, these suppliers command more authority over Burberry and this over reliance on few suppliers can cause a lot of trouble to Burberry. However, the only way the situation can be improved is by restructuring the supply-chain management of the company, which the company is trying to undertake with some success. Similarly, most of the firm's

Monday, August 12, 2019

Unit 6 Human Services Discussion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 6 Human Services Discussion - Research Paper Example These are called â€Å"medigaps† in U.S. healthcare system which does not pay for custodial nursing home care, most dental care (including dentures), private-duty nursing, eyeglasses and eye examinations, most routine physician examinations, hearing tests and hearing devices, very long hospital stays, and prescription drug costs (DiNitto, 2011, 282). In Maryland, 12.92% out of 5, 534, 528 residents are uninsured – 1,464,677 are enrolled in a health maintenance organization (HMO) while $964 is the average annual employee premium in MD employer-sponsored plan and $2,113 is the average MD hospital cost per inpatient day (eHealthInsurance, 2013, n.p.). One can gleaned on the data that there is a significant number of individual who are uninsured but it is the cost of medical care which has the most astounding effect! Social justice in healthcare financing system is needed to broaden the healthcare insurance coverage and reducing the costs of healthcare. Equality and accessibility of healthcare could not be achieved without the help of different stakeholders such as policymakers, medical professionals, and payers. According to the study of Fisher et al. (2009), physicians possess the leadership to reduce healthcare costs by helping the patient: understand a more conservative treatment that is as safe as intensive, higher-cost care; argue against the need for further growth to oversupplied regions; and support changes in the healthcare system to achieve best possible care at lowest possible cost (850). In the week’s video, Johnnie Hamilton-Mason (2013) talked about why it is important to advocate for social justice and emphasized that individuals should never feel being humiliated and that social workers must be empathic, supportive, and avoid labels (n.p.). She also said that it is essential to inform the individual

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Insurance and risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Insurance and risk management - Essay Example Blue Cross and Blue Shield insurance companies differ in a number of ways, among them being the services that they offer. For instance, Blue Cross insurance specializes in the provision of medical and travel insurance. As a result of the rising cost of hospitalization and medical treatments, Blue Cross insurance, ensures that these uncertainties are covered to safeguarded American citizens. The Blue Cross travel insurance plan takes care of any medical emergency costs to ensure that people do not worry while travelling (Blue Cross Insurance Inc., 2012).. Blue Shield, on the other hand, specializes in the provision of insurance cover for buildings, equipments found both in and outside the building, coverage for company vehicle for staff, company stock as well as commercial liability. These forms of insurance cover are not provided by blue Cross insurance. Basically, Blue Cross Insurance is similar to other types of insurance with regard to the type of contracts. Firstly, just like any other form of insurance, it offers personal contracts (Blue Cross Insurance Inc., 2012). In this regard, it insures person or persons, instead of the property of these persons. This is evident from the travel insurance and its medical covers. Secondly, Blue Cross contracts are unilateral just like other types of insurance. This is evident as it makes an agreement with the insured who is expected to pay some premium, thus forcing it to perform its side of the bargain by indemnifying the insured in case of any lose suffered such those than happen in the course of a journey. Thirdly, it is evident that the contracts provided by Blue cross are conditional just like those of other insurance. This is because, before an individual enters into a contract with Blue Cross, first the insured is required to fulfill certain terms and conditions which the insured mus t perform in the event of a