Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ebusiness And Bank Of America Essay

In the world where technological aspects are booming, it could be fairly deduced that some of the communications and even transactions could be addressed through the internet. One of such idea is the concept where banking could be made available anytime, anywhere with just a simple click. Ideally, this notion is amendable to the changes bit it could not be avoided that this advancement would not go questioned. In this particular paper then, the concept of e-Business would then be reviewed along with the discussion of the bank of America as one of the establishment who had tried to adopt such change in banking style. In the e-Business system, it could be seen that the main players are the computer, the internet connection, and the website where a person could have a transaction with (â€Å"The Complete Guide About Advanced eBusiness Systems,† 2007). It was said that the provider of the e-business system would make it possible for the business partners and the clients to be able to communicate and transact any business. It would then be possible to have web-based orders or it would then be possible to have a simple way in communicating with customers (â€Å"Comergent eBusiness System,† 2006). It would be seen that these kinds of systems has a way of protecting those who would venture into a progressive step. Given that there are numerous people who are also gifted in the workings of technology, the main concern that a person might have is the protection and security of the things that they are keeping. As could be known, these kinds of systems would have to be protected at the same be able to accommodate the needs of the people who are interested in having these kinds of systems. One of the most talked issues is the ethical issues that e-business might have on the customers as well as the legalities it may entail and the necessary regulations needed. One of the main concern when it comes to the ethical issue is the problem of fraud and scams (Warholic, 2007). This issue then would concern the authenticity of an e-business site especially when there are still untrustworthy people who are still trapping innocent victims. The other issue is on the legalities where a system is copy write and protected would mean that a client could have a certain degree of guarantee that what would be written had been carefully put especially when plenty of people could be able to read what would be posted in the internet (Warholic, 2007). Another is the regulatory problems that might occur. When these things happen, there is always the case of intellectual property theft. It would be known that a person seeking to publish that site or what was written in the site should gain the permission first of the owner of the site (Warholic, 2007). Now the Bank of America had upgraded its transactions by extending it to the internet. It could be seen then that the bank provides different programs that may come from different states of the country. The upgrade then to e-business would then have to mean that the services that they offer could be accessed by anyone. The ethical implication of this is that they have certain reassurances that their website is not part of the people who are scheming to get the innocent. In fact, a client’s profile could not be seen by just anyone but the company itself. Upon visiting the security and policies that the bank has in their website, it could be seen that they have tried to appease the customers or clients with the nagging uncertainty of safety. The security then would come out through the handling of the cookies and also that the profile that would be passed by the client would not be seen by others. This certain confidentiality is highly essential when a person has to submit a password and a profile for the transactions. If a person would just care to read the policies and regulations that are needed to be followed, I would not think that a person could get wrong in trusting the company in some degree. In addressing international issues, Bank of America also has a certain research devoted for some parts of the world where they could reach out to do business with. As a caution then, a person must carefully read the copyright laws and regulations especially when this could protect you, as a customer, and the company or business that you are interested in.

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