Saturday, August 10, 2019

Scanning the Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scanning the Environment - Essay Example ote focuses on demographics and socio-cultural trends, advertising, strategy and image for the previously mentioned retailers and the strategy that a competitor should adopt. Retailing of grocery items has been a competitive business for some time because a number of large retail chains, online stores and retail shops compete within the market. This means that it is important to try to position the retail brand right so that a maximum attraction for the grocery retail segments within the consumers is possible (Reynolds, 2004, Pp. 12 – 18). Brands tell a lot about price and this means that positioning brands to attract a certain type of customer to maximize profit is important in grocery retailing. Demographic trends for the US consumer suggests that the average consumer is more health and money conscious as a result of the prevailing economic uncertainty and they are only willing to pay a little extra for better fresh fruits and vegetables, food brands (Cook, 2008, Slides 1 – 25). However, quality and price are the most important considerations in selection of grocery items, but pesticide free items are only second in preference to fresh gr ocery items. Thus, organic products are second only to fresh quality products. In addition, the proportion of non – Hispanic Whites as a proportion of the total consumer is declining compared to an increase in the Hispanics and the Asians. Thus, retailers must consider the previously mentioned trends in efforts to position their retail brands. Aldi, the global grocery retailer has tried to benefit from the willingness of the consumer to pay a little more for quality in positioning its brand (Aldi, 2009, â€Å"Grocery Selections†). However, Amazon Grocery appears to have tried to lure the customer by offering established middle-of-the range brands with an emphasis on saving for quality and a concern for the Asian and Hispanic consumers. However, both of the previously mentioned chains emphasize value for money. Although

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