Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Essay --

There are a lot of women suffering from different types of prolapses with uterine being one of the most common and they do not seek medical attention due to being embarrassed or just scared. It is somewhat considered taboo and isn’t spoken of as often as say, having a hysterectomy or other female conditions. Most women are unaware of the symptoms and therefore don’t seek medical attention before it becomes a more serious issue that will most likely require surgery to fix. The definition of uterine prolapse is the uterus gradually descends into the vagina and often times takes the upper portions of the vagina with it. Most often a prolapse is caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles and ligaments. It can present at any stage but often comes in three distinct stages. Once it descends into the vagina walls it can continue to descend until it actually protrudes out of the vagina entrance. In the 1st degree the cervix is still inside the vagina. In the 2nd degree the cervix appears outside the vagina opening and the labia can become irritated and ulcerative. In the 3rd degree there is a complete prolapse outside of the body and it can contain the bladder, uterus and rectum. This condition is sometimes called a complete procidentia. It can be caused by a multitude of reasons. Multiple vaginal births, having larger babies, excessive straining from constipation, heavy lifting or being overweight, weak pelvic floor muscles due to lack of use, aging or going through menopause. Although uterine prolapse can happen to anyone at any age, it’s most common in women who have gone through menopause and for many of the reasons stated above. Some of the symptoms of pelvic floor organ prolapse are: havin... ...ith prolapsed organs. Maintaining a healthy diet to include lots of fruits and vegetables and fiber is the best way to prevent constipation as well as drinking plenty of fluids. It has been recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces every day to maintain a healthy inner eco system. Drinking plenty of water helps maintain balance of hormones, bowel functions and cellular health. Other preventive measures can be taken when heavy lifting is required, be sure to used legs when lifting heavy objects or while working out. Proper lifting techniques will also prevent other injuries. By maintaining a healthy weight you will also prevent undue pressure on lower pelvic floor muscles. By practicing good prevention techniques not only will the pelvic floor be in good health but the rest of the body will benefit as well. Here’s to pelvic floor health! W/C 1184

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