Saturday, August 10, 2019

Employee Reward nd Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Employee Reward nd Development - Essay Example Organizational learning has been proposed as a fundamental strategic process and the only sustainable competitive advantage of the future (Vera and Crossan, 2004) as it increases the rate of change, provides flexible organization of structures, continuous improvement, and organizational interactions are actively managed and optimized (Easterling, n.d.). Smith, Araujo and Burgoyne (Vera and Crossan et al (2004) developed a theoretical model with 4I framework linked by four social and psychological processes like intuiting, interpreting, integrating and institutionalizing. Organizational learning is viewed as a process of change in thought and action among individual and group which is embedded in and affected by the institutions of the organization. It is further argued that tension between assimilating new learning (exploration) and using what has been learned (exploitation) is the basic challenges of organizational learning. The learning organization concept is about building learni ng and knowledge creating capacity in individuals and enabling the effective dissemination of this knowledge through the organization. The learning organization is the product or result of a critical combination of internal change mechanisms concerned with structure, process and human capability allied to continuous environmental reviews which is intended to improve performance (Thomas and Allen, 2006). According to Egan, Yang and Bartlett (2004) organizational learning culture can enhance employee’s job satisfaction and both of these variables influence the organizational outcome variables of motivation to transfer learning and turnover intention. The analytic framework of the learning organization developed by Watkins and Marsick (Egan, Yang and Bartlett, 2004) provides a lucid and broad definition of the construct of learning organization which not only identifies underlying learning organization dimensions but also integrates such dimensions in theoretical framework which specifies interdependent relationship and was also agreed by Ortenblad (Egan, Yang and Bartlett 2004)). Vince (2001) while examining the organizational learning in Hyder Plc mentioned that the conceptualization which indicates that â€Å"individual staff can benefit from on-the-job learning and training which is highly practical and applied† (p.1326) and further argued that organizational learning is visible in the organizational dynamics which is created from the interaction of politics (power relations) and emotions. According to Miner and Mezias (1996) various theories have tacitly assumed a fixed world of exogenous conditions to which organizations must adapt while ‘learning’ carries a positive connotation in many cultures. Behavioral learning scholars claim that incremental learning is common and has useful outcomes. It is pertinent to mention that incremental and radical learning are both meaningful concepts that enhance survival and prosperity while may c ause damage the organizational culture. According to Yeo (2002) behavioral or adaptive learning approach clarifies that learning is directly associated to some action which follows it. Cognitive learning assumes that learning is more than just applying rules or responding to small scale problems and making basic elements of a subject. Sanchez, Vijande and Gutierrez (2010) mention that

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